Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis on small and medium-sized businesses

Introduction. Throughout the existence of the Russian Federation, its economy is constantly being shaken by crises, and the year 2020 was no exception, when the Covid crisis broke out in the country, as a result of which service enterprises were badly affected. In this regard, we believe that assessing the impact of the current crisis on small and medium-sized businesses, as well as analyzing state support measures, is an urgent and timely task being solved by economic science. Theoretical analysis.

Public-private partnerships in US innovation

Introduction. The subject of the research is public-private partnership (PPP), which contributes, through funding and incentives, to the spatial development of innovation in the United States.

Sensitivity analysis as a decision-making tool for the implementation of an investment project in mining industry

Introduction. Russian mining companies need to implement large-scale investment projects due to a variety of internal and external reasons. Projects are aimed at the development of new deposits, technical equipment and the modernization of existing ones. To make substantiated management decisions, a toolkit for analyzing the risks of investment projects is required. Theoretical analysis. The section contains the need to apply quantitative methods for assessing investment risks based on cash flow modeling.

Proactiveness as a factor of making an effective management decision in the restoration and renovation of equipment

Introduction. The main part of the enterprises equipment of the Russian oil and gas complex operates in different natural and geographical conditions, which requires a special approach to the organization and management of its restoration and renovation. Theoretical analysis. This article examines the definitions of such concepts as “restoration”, “renovation”, as well as the issues of a reactive and proactive approach to managing the processes of restoration and renovation of equipment.

Stakeholder risk modeling: An econometric analysis experience

Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of stakeholder risks and the possibilities of their assessment. The methodological framework of the study was formed on the basis of the corporate governance theory and its stakeholder model. Theoretical analysis. On the basis of the the Russian-language and English-language publications’ general review, carried out by the authors, it is concluded that there is no clear generally accepted toolkit for assessing stakeholder risk.

The Role of National Research Universities in Innovative Development of Regions

Innovative development of regions is caused by effective cooperation between state authorities, business, science, which helps to improve the conditions for innovations, and form a regional triple helix. A significant role in the innovation development of the regions is entrusted to the national research Universities, which carry out training of highly skilled personnel and conduct fundamental and applied scientific research. Theoretical analysis.

Problems and Perspectives of Innovative-technological Development of the Food Industry of Ukraine

The economical growth of any country is directly related to innovation and technological development of those of its branches which have significant potential for improving the competitiveness of the national economy. In conditions of growing food crisis in many countries around the world, the importance of consideration of the possibilities for the production of high-quality food to those countries which possess the necessary capacity for this. Theoretical analysis.

Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of the Logistics System Research

The globalization of the economy, intense competition in the markets, the complexity of patterns of interaction between market actors, accelerating scientific and technological progress, the desire to maximize sales suggests that the main purpose of management is now wrestling with uncertainty, risk minimization, and requires businesses to optimize all business processes. Theoretical analysis.

Methods of Government Development of Services

Rationale of scientific approaches to the development of federal regulation of the service sector is the greatest difficulties in Russia as state policy until recently denied the need to intervene in this area. Methods. The development of the service involves the allocation of sectors and areas of activity, which, being socially relevant, require federal financial or regional financial help, and those that can evolve independently on the basis of entrepreneurial activity, but need a federal and state tax benefits.

Information Factor of Supply Chains Reliability in the Machine-building Industry

Due to the growth of economy instability the problem of formation of supply chains which are characterized by high reliability is being made actual in the field of logistics. This issue gets special significance for machine-building enterprises as the modern mechanical engineering is one of the leading branches: more than 20% of the total amount of the Russian Federation industrial products is accounted for it. Methods.
