Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Methodological Tools Formation for Regional Innovative Agrosystems Research

Introduction. In the context of the transition to an export-oriented economy, the innovative development of the agricultural sector is a non-alternative tool for ensuring the state national security. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the theoretical and methodological aspects of the regional innovative agricultural systems’ formation in the context of the national innovation system concept.

The Analysis of the Excise Taxes’ Use Concerning Goods Importation into the Territory of the Russian Federation in Terms of the EAEU Membership

Introduction. Excise tax is one of the most important taxes in the Russian tax system, which performs fiscal and regulatory functions. Its features include a limited list of excisable goods for which there is stable demand and consumption that the government is trying to regulate. A special group of goods consists of marked excisable goods: alcohol and tobacco products. Concerning them, disputes most often arise in connection with the peculiarities of their customs clearance.

Integral Methodology for Assessing the Stability of Electrical Networks Companies

Introduction. The article presents the results of the integrated methodology for assessing stability developed by the author, tested at the branches of the Interregional Distribution Network Company of the Center and Volga Region, which differs from the already known methods in terms of characteristics, coefficients and structure. The main indicators of the electric grid company branches’ stability are identified, taking into account the industry priorities.

Integrated development problems of the oil and gas complex logistics infrastructure

Introduction. The effective operation of industrial production, transport and processing facilities depends directly on the logistics infrastructure. This is confirmed by a significant share of logistics infrastructure costs in the investment programs of vertically integrated companies. Theoretical analysis.

Some theoretical and methodological directions for improving the support of rural settlements’ municipal budgets

Introduction. Solving the problem of improving the quality and standard of living of the Russian Federation’s rural population is associated with the need to develop and apply scientifically based support for municipal budgets of rural settlements to ensure the gradual transition of municipal budgets to replenishment from internal sources, generally accepted within the framework of the international concept of civic-oriented municipal governance. Theoretical analysis.

Enterprise internal monitoring development as part of the bank lending strategy formation

Introduction. In solving the issue of ensuring the effective implementation of the company’s lending strategy for the purpose of its rational formation, the issues of internal monitoring of enterprises are of particular relevance. Theoretical analysis. The article deals with the theoretical aspects of developing algorithmized tools for the development of a system for monitoring the credit strategy of an enterprise is justified. Empirical analysis.

Influence of COVID-19 on creative industries

Introduction. This study analyzes the impact of the new COVID-19 coronavirus infection on the creative industries in the Russian Federation, as well as finding solutions to support this area in the context of the pandemic.

Government information policy and the dynamics of federal funding for the dissemination of US research and development results

Introduction. The traditionally high level of government participation in scientific and technical, innovation and implementation and foreign trade activities of the United States presupposes the active nature of federal funding for activities and information policy instruments related to the dissemination of the results of American R&D both in the national economy and in the international market.

Employment and economic growth in the conditions of COVID-19 pandemics: Cross-country comparisons

Introduction. The factor of a sharp slowdown in economic growth in almost all countries since the beginning of 2020 has been quite atypical. Whereas previously we had seen shocks mainly related to economic processes, this time the “black swan” was a public health emergency – the new coronavirus pandemic COVID-19. A feature of this crisis was the unprecedented measures of states to restrict the movement of citizens, as well as the suspension of the activities of both industrial enterprises and enterprises in the sphere of trade and services.

Priorities and Mechanisms for Managing the Interbranch Structure of the Agri-Food Complex

Introduction. In managing the competitive advantages of the agri-food complex, the study of the structural modernization of the agri-food complex on the basis of taking into account the levels of risks and the uncertainties of the economic situation that determine the possible boundaries of the use of regulatory measures is of particular importance.
