Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


A Conversion Within the Organizational Life Cycle

The conversion as a way of a plant renewal within the framework of the organizational life cycle is considered in the article. On a base of varies organizational life cycle models comparison, integrated model is suggested, the organizational life cycle stages complied with new production are revealed.

Forms of E-business in the Russian Economy

The forms of internet-technologies based business development are analysed in the article. Among these forms there are: providers services; e-commerce; e-advertisement, financial services; information, consulting, marketing services; paid communication; WEB-mastering; net-marketing; developing of program software and e-commodities; educational services; net gambling; e-labor exchange; internet-franchising; internet-leasing.

Conceptual Approaches to the Study and Deployment of Public-private Partnerships in Russia: Methodological Paradigms and Reality

The article provides a critical assessment of methodological approaches to Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) that researchers and practitioners in Russia employ. The study explains the reasons behind a broad interpretation of the term ‘a partnership’ in the literature and by policy makers, as well as the consequences that disregard the principal defining characteristics of a PPP. The article shows that a distorted understanding of the partnership meaning has led to inflated numbers of PPPs at the municipal level.

Convergence Spatial Analysis of Russia’s Regions

The article analyzes the economic growth of Russia, sigma and beta convergence according to the data socio-economic development for 1999 and 2010 years.

Features of Risk Management in Innovation Project Lending

The author explains the difference between the banking model of the innovation projects’ credits and the financing innovation by venture funds. This article notes the importance of specific assessment and risk-management in project crediting innovation. The article defines the basic financial structure of project credits. In this study the author highlights the importance of investment consortiums in innovation project financing.

Role and Place of Financial Strategy in the System of State Strategic Planning

Candidate of economics, senior tutor of the department of economics of Vladimir’s branch of Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. The article proves the necessity of the development budget and financial strategy of the region like as subsystem of the state of strategic planning. Proposed conceptual framework of the budget and financial strategy. Identify the key directions of the budget and financial strategy.

The Image of the Risk-manager in Corporations of Russia

The article reveals the content of the image of risk-manager, his abilities, qualities and requirements, as well as the specific character of its activity in corporations. The necessity of creation in the Russian corporate risk management department for the effective analysis and risk assessment.

Economic Reasonability of Outsourcing a Food Manufacturing Enterprise's Canteens as a Part of the Crisis Management

The article covers the problem of options to restructure a non-core asset (a canteen) as a part of crisis management. this problem is topical for many enterprises of food industry since the distinctive features of some of them (e.g. large number of employees, remote location, enterprises's own canteen) do not allow to cancel food supply for emploуеes at the expence of employer.

Problems and Prospects of Domestics Industrial Export Extension

The paper considers major problems of domestics industrial export development in contemporary conditions of evolution of international division of labors. The necessity of domestic exports by increasing the share of industrial output. The theoretical proposals backed by statistical data characterizing features of the development of domestic exports. The main directions of domestic industrial export stimulation are offered. 

Corporate Culture of Restaurant Chains

The article describes the corporate culture of restaurant chains in Russia, and the main elements of the corporate culture. Formulated impact of corporate culture on the management processes restaurant chains operating under a franchise agreement.
