Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Statistical Research of Bank Crediting as Source of Investment of Rural Producers

Introduction. The relevance of this research is caused by: i) the need to increase the role of bank crediting in the development of investment processes in the agro-industrial complex, ii) the necessity to build a system of crediting of agricultural producers on the basis of analysis of the differentiation of territorial-administrative formations in the region by agricultural production efficiency; iii) the lack of any comprehensive statistical research of the problems of bank crediting of agricultural producers.

Modern criteria for the design of corporate governance systems

Introduction. Modern corporate governance systems of leading domestic corporations take into account, on average, slightly more than 50% of the requirements of the International Best Practices in Corporate Governance, which indicates their imperfection, low corporate reputation in the eyes of the investment community and undercapitalization in the domestic and foreign stock markets.

The influence of Covid-19 on small and medium sized enterprises’ managerial activities in Nigeria: A qualitative impact assessment

Introduction. The influence of Covid-19 is yet to be measured across many economies of the world, as many countries are still grappling with the eff ects of diff erent variants of the virus within its economy. However, within Nigeria, life is mostly returning back to normal with all restrictions removed and businesses seeking to get back to pre-pandemic activity levels. Theoretical analysis.

Modeling the dynamics of regional competitiveness risks

Introduction. To determine the strategic directions of regional development to increase competitiveness, it is necessary to rely on a systematic analysis of factors and risks, to use modern mathematical modeling tools. To construct dynamic models for assessing the risks of competitiveness, an approach based on the systems of Kolmogorov – Chapman diff erential equations for Markov processes is applied. Theoretical analysis.

Ensuring national economic security: Scenarios for the coronacrisis exit

Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic has become a trigger mechanism for the deployment of a global economic crisis that has engulfed all countries of the world. The aim of the study is to analyze the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic as a global threat to the world’s largest economies. Theoretical analysis. Within the framework of the basic AD-AS model, variants L, V, N, W were modeled and possible scenarios for overcoming the crisis were considered. Empirical analysis.

Study of Consumer Behavior in the Selection of High-tech Products at the Regional Level

In the article the necessity of studying the behavior of the individual in selecting high-tech products, the output market innovation community. We propose an interdisciplinary approach to the study of consumer behavior in selecting high-tech products that appear on the market an innovative community at the junction of marketing, psychology, neurobiology. Theoretical analysis.

Strategies to Improve the State Russian Investment Policy

The process of interaction between economic entities of the national investment system at any level takes place in the context of economic instability, which involves improving the regulation of the state investment policy. Theoretical analysis.

Modern Trends of Protectionism in Regulation of International Trade

The use of protective tools is one of the most important and controversial trends in foreign policy, especially in the formulation of economic policies in developing countries and countries with economies in transition in contemporary geo-economic transformations. Theoretical analysis.

Institutional Bases of the Current Sales of Banking Products

The article describes the perspectives and problems of individual banking products and products for the large number of clients. Basically the proposed study offers a new look of selling banking products, includes a perspective from the client to the bank’s offer.

The Role of Accounting in Organizational-Economic Mechanism of Foreign Trade of the Industrial Enterprise

This article discusses the theoretical aspects of management accounting in organizational and economic mechanism of foreign trade activities. Increased international competition, the increasing role of non-financial indicators of industrial competitiveness determines the relevance of this article. Blocks interaction management subsystems allows monitoring conjunctural changes, respond to them quickly and make management decisions towards the development of foreign trade as well as the enterprise.
