Methodology of Integral Parameter Construction for Evaluation of Informational Processes in the Regions of Russia
Together with new management paradigm forming, the political management of the country aims to modernize national economics and to implement the new Concept of long-term social and economic development of the Russian Federation up to 2020. Ascending importance of informatization development, upgrading of traditional methods of regional industrial structures management require to hold a complex monitoring of actual changes, results of programs and conceptions implementation, to establish trends, dependencies and regularities, to identify advanced direction of successful strategic programs implementation. This provides for the necessity in the present to elaborate methodological instruments permitting to evaluate the development level of informational resources in regional industrial systems. Methods. In course of elaborating and approbation of the methodological instruments, the following general scientific methods were used: system, descriptive, comparative, statistics and comparison analyses. Results. The result is a ready to go methodological set of instruments permitting to evaluate the economics informatization status in different regions of Russia, including a multifactor integral evaluation of informational processes development level, ranking of the Russian Federation constituent entities. The present methodology makes it possible for various groups of users (federal and regional authorities, entrepreneurs) to determine problem zones in informational processes development in the regions and to work out a correction of managerial influences on regions level. Conclusions. Thus, the article presents methodology of comprehensive parameter construction permitting to evaluate the informational processes development in Russian regions. Basic problems of statistics data collection are envisaged. Comprehensive parameter of informational processes development level evaluation in all Russian regions is calculated.
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