Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Protection of historical memory as an institution of constitutional law: Russian and foreign experience

Introduction. Identifi cation and analysis of factors infl uencing the transformation of the main institutions of constitutional law, the emergence and development of new constitutional and legal institutions are considered to be an urgent problem for the science of constitutional law. One of the dynamically developing institutions of constitutional law is, in our opinion, the protection of historical memory. The article uses formal legal, historical and comparative methods.

Conceptual foundations of the Western communicative theory of law: Nicholas Luhmann

Introduction. The article deals with the theory of law by Nicholas Luhmann as one of the most important conceptual and methodological sources of Western communicative theories of law developed in the context of post-metaphysical thinking in social theory. Theoretical analysis. In the social system of Luhmann, communication communicates, so the concept of Luhmann belongs to the number of non-subjective ones. The legal system in this concept is formed by the diff erentiation of communications, thanks to which a legal co de arises.

Ensuring the environmental rights of Russian citizens is a priority direction of the state’s environmental policy

Introduction. Decent and safe life and activities of Russian citizens can only be possible in the favorable environment. The constitutional and legal guarantee in this area is the consolidation of the environmental rights of Russian citizens as a constitutional value, and its provision is a priority task of the state and, accordingly, the most important direction of the implemented environmental policy. Theoretical analysis.

Theoretical and Practical Issues of the Hearing with Videoconferencing Systems

The persons involved in the case have the right to participate in arbitration Russia remotely using videoconferencing systems (VCS) according to the Federal Law dated 27.07.2010 № 228-FZ. This article examines a number of problems in the implementation of this law. Theoretical analysis. The author substantiate of independence of the Institute «hearing by VCS». We investigate the controversial moments of break and deposition hearing, which is conducted with IT-technology.

Complex Institutions in the Law System of the Russian Federation

Law system has a complicated formation caused by several external and internal reasons. In actual conditions of intensive development and transformation of the public relations the law can not remain static. Its structure changes permanently. These changes not always are visible, caused first of all by new structure elements. More often such changes happen on the functional level of elements’ interaction. Methods. Methodological basis of the research is an internal interconnected complex of knowledge methods: system-structured, functional, logical.

Internet in the Objective Field of Legal Science: Problems of Theory

The article deals with the formation of the theoretical Internet model in Russian legal science, it also discusses the implementation of communicative approach to the Internet law methodology. Results. In our opinion, the operationalization of the idealized object of the Internet is formed on the basis of its technical artifact properties.

Competition for International and National Labor Law as One of the Factors of Decent Work

Correction of national labor legislation according to the international labor legislation is an important step in overcoming the problems associated with the provision of decent work in Russia. Inaccurate translation, poor regulations, untimely introduction of changes lead to competition for international and Russian labor law. Results. Analysis of the Russian and international labor law rules competition has shown that it is a common phenomenon in the modern legal reality.

Comparative Legal Analysis of Change in Subject Matter and Fixation of Agitation and Propaganda in Constitional Acts in Russia

The article focuses on the analysis of the constitutional acts introduced in Russia in different periods, with fixation of agitation and propaganda in them being the matter of interest. The author has carried out the comparative analysis of the Constitutions of RSFSR adopted in 1918, 1936, 1978 with the current Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 in relation to the legal norms establishing prohibition or permission to bring into action agitation and propaganda.

To the Question of Coordination between Customs Service and Institutions of Higher Education in Terms of Russia`s Membership in the World Trade Organization

In article practical questions of coordination between regional customs service and institutions of higher education are discussed. The problems of application of contemporary customs law as well as the necessity of qualification improvement in terms of Russia`s membership in the World Trade Organization are examined.

Axiological Nature of the Right to Life: Theoretical-law Aspect

Тhe article deal with the attempt of theoretical legal understanding the problem of the right to life as the complex social and political phenomena and the basis of tenolencees of its development in modern Russia. Some aspects of formalization of the right to life, which are necessary for the decision of the important tasks of the Russian State are analyzed.
