Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Constitutional social rights in the countries of the European Union. Theoretical provisions and problems of implementation

Introduction. Social rights belong to the second generation of human rights and freedoms, they ensure social security, all-round development of the individual. They are widely represented in the national legislation of the countries of the European Union, primarily in the relevant legislation. However, the same cannot be said about constitutional law, which is associated with different approaches of legal scholars and proven practices in the legal regulation of the implementation of social guarantees in a particular state.

Historical, legal, ideological and political prerequisites for the formation and development of the institution of people’s control in the USSR

Introduction. The controversial nature of most of the aspects related to the content and essence of people’s control, the assessment of its historical role and significance in the system of state administration of the Soviet period, the effectiveness of legal regulation and the political problems of its implementation still arouses a genuine interest of the scientific community in the study of this phenomenon. Theoretical analysis.

Social movements in the Russian Federation and their participation in elections: Current state and prospects of development

Introduction. The socio-political sphere of the state is the foundation of its democratic development and a prerequisite for longterm state-building. The history of the development of the Russian state testifies to the absence of traditions of the formation of democratic institutions and their development. Social movements in the modern state are the mainstay of the development of the country’s political system and the prerequisite for the formation of new political parties.

The role of legal (juridical) dictation in identifying the level of legal literacy and legal education

Introduction. Confirmation of the importance of legal education, the need to overcome legal nihilism and increase the level of legal culture was reflected at the official level in regulatory legal acts, primarily in the Fundamentals of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the development of legal literacy and legal awareness of citizens. Currently, cooperation with non-governmental organizations in this direction is actively developing, which opens up new facets.

Ideological neutrality and the principle of a secular state in the light of the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 2020

Introduction. The existence and development of any society is impossible without its spiritual component, which is closely connected with religion, religious values and ideals in Russia. Despite the fact that in the secular Russian state, the official government remains ideologically neutral to all religions, religious denominations and religious organizations, the state and the Church are converging in the socio-cultural space. Theoretical analysis.

Political and Legal Aspects of Participation of Institute of Russian Presidential Envoy in Realization of State Awarding Policy

The article of O. Kokurina is dedicated to actual problem of participation of institute of Russian Presidential Envoy in realization of state awarding policy. Object. Main point of article is to analyze political and legal factors that determine evolution of participation of institute of Russian Presidential Envoy in realization of state awarding policy, research this policy and exploring its directions. Results. Author discovers roots of modern award policy, its federal and regional components.

Key Tasks and Activities of Military Justice in the Period of Martial Law in the Territory of Ukraine (1941–1942)

Given the current challenges and threats to national security, including armed conflicts near the borders of Ukraine, the study of the historical experience of the organization, regulation and activities of the military justice system with the onset of the special period of wartime became actual.

Child’s Rights on Family Care

 The family institution is a complex social phenomenon, which experienced the terminological and structural transformation. In modern society the requirements increase to the quality of childcare and parents are imposed more obligations towards them. The right of the child on family care is an essential right of the child because the family care plays an important role in the physical and emotional development of children.

On Characteristics Contingent of People Held in Places of Deprivation of Liberty in the 30–60th of the XXth Century

Main Directorate of Camps (GULAG), as a system of detention facilities existed in the Soviet Union, was a multi-faceted phenomenon. This was expressed most clearly in the regulatory procedure and conditions of her sentence in the various categories of prisoners. Patterns of change in the regulatory framework prison system, as well as their relation to the characteristic of the convicts, was closely connected with the changing policies of the state of those years in respect of class-alien elements. Theoretical analysis.

Importance of the Decisions of the Constitutional Court RF and Federal Constitutional Court FRG for Realization of the Constitutional Right on Free Occupation by Business Activity

One of the facilities of the improvement of the legal regulation to business activity emerges constitutional истолкование rates of the laws. In given article is presented theoretical understanding of importances of the decisions of the Constitutional court RF and Federal Constitutional court FRG for realization of the constitutional right on free occupation of business activity. Results.
