Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Capabilities of reloading equipment identification by traces on reloaded cases

Introduction. In connection with legalization of autonomous cartridges loading to the rifl ed fi rearm, the matter of forensic examination of reloaded cases is growing more urgent. Aims and tasks. To examine the regularities of trace formation made by the reloading equipment on reloaded cases in order to identify the method of making cartridges, whose parts they have originally been, and to establish the fact of reloading by means of the same production mechanisms. Experimental part.

Fundamentals of mechanoscopic examination of traces of dot peen marking

Introduction. Due to the criterion of recoverability, the dot peen marking is widely used as a protective one for such products as, for example, fi rearms or locking and sealing devices. However, in forensics, the possibilities of establishing the commonality of origin of such markings and identifi cation of specifi c equipment have not been investigated. Theoretical analysis.

Classifi cation of fi ring pin marks images by weapon specimens using a fully-connected neural network

Introduction. The aim of the work is to increase the effi ciency of identifi cation of fi rearms by images of fi ring pin marks in the automatic mode. The relevance of the task is determined by the low effi ciency of the known methods of automatic identifi cation of fi rearm by the fi ring pin marks with individual topological types of individualizing features. This aff ects the investigation of crimes related to the use of fi rearms. Formation of clone images.

Non-lethal weapon and special tools differentiation issues (Forensic and medico-legal points of view)

Introduction. The article touches upon the topical issues of forensic weapon study connected to the necessity for diff erentiating so called non-lethal weapon and law enforcement services special tools as well. Theoretical analysis. The lack of any criteria for group pertaining identifi cation of such articles, devices or substances creates many legal confl icts.

Constitutional and legal protection of intangible cultural heritage objects in Russia: Problems and prospects of development

Introduction. The complexity of determining the objects of intangible heritage and establishing organizational and legal mechanisms for their protection is due to the fact that we are talking about non-materialized processes and phenomena for which it is impossible to accurately calculate the degree of preservation. This is how they diff er from traditional museum objects and monuments of culture and art, therefore, it is diffi cult to develop a set of measures aimed at their conservation. Theoretical analysis.

Constitutional-legal and socio-economic prerequisites and goals for the creation of federal territories in the Russian Federation and abroad

Introduction. The establishment of the possibility of creating federal territories in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the subsequent adoption of the Federal Law “On the Federal Territory “Sirius” No. 437-FZ of December 22, 2020 make us take a closer look at foreign experience in determining the constitutional legal status, mechanisms of creation and features of functioning of federal territories.

Problems of implementation of anti-corruption standards in relation to persons holding public offi ce: Constitutional and legal aspect

Introduction. The article analyzes examples of procedures related to the implementation of anti-corruption standards, taking into account the specifi cs of offi cial relations, their administrative and intra-organizational nature. Theoretical analysis. The author reveals the problems of implementing anti-corruption standards. It is noted that in most cases the offi cial legislation provides that the conclusions drawn from the results of all inspections are not binding.

Legislation as a factor in the development of public-private partnership in the sphere of information technologies

Introduction. Public-private partnership (PPP) in world practice has established itself as an eff ective tool for interaction between business and government in the implementation of socially signifi cant projects. The state got the opportunity to attract a private investor to solve strategic problems of social development. Information technology (IT) is no exception.

Legal education as constitutional value: Problems of forming the student’s legal culture

Introduction. The specifi cs of modern professional legal education are inherently linked with the need to form the legal culture of a lawyer, which is an important constitutional value. The fundamental paramount role of legal education as a constitutional value is traced not only in the course of formation of sense of justice and the legal culture of future lawyers, but also indirectly, through realization of a professional component: law-making, law-enforcement, law-enforcement activity.

The place of the President of the Russian Federation in the constitutional system of public authority (In the light of the 2020 constitutional reform)

Introduction. The constitutional and legal characteristic of the status of any body begins with identifi cation of its place in the system of power. It is this element that is permanently (continuously, incessantly) in the focus of the study of presidential power. Theoretical analysis. It is noted that the next constitutional reform of the Russian statehood is determined by a certain stage in the transformation of the presidential power, namely its modernization, constitutionalization and, ultimately, institutionalization. Empirical analysis.
