The idea of the right of resistance to oppression in the Eastern political, legal and religious thought
Introduction. The triumph of liberal democracy in developed countries did not reduce the protest activity of citizens, revolutions and uprisings are still a phenomenon of modern time. The issue of the essence and mechanism of exercising the right of resistance (right of rebellion, right of revolution, iusresistendi) is becoming relevant, which also requires a historical analysis of Eastern political, legal and religious thought. Theoretical analysis. The author found out that the doctrine of the right of resistance is not the concept developed exclusively by Western lawyers and philosophers. Representatives of Chinese philosophical and Islamic religious thought made a significant contribution to the development of the idea of iusresistendi. The author concludes that there is no significant contribution of legal scholars from African countries in defining the essence of the right of resistance. Еmpirical analysis. The author conducted a comparative analysis of the teachings and legislation of several countries, which allows to solve the issue of the possibility of recognising criteria for legitimizing forms of resistance to oppression and the mechanism for their exisicing by acts and international documents in the future. Results. The idea of the right to resist oppression is fully reflected in Eastern political, legal and religious thought, which means its independence and self-sufficiency. The author revealed the essence of this right formulated by philosophers, jurists and authors of international law documents, the criteria for legitimizing resistance.
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