Price Trap of Inefficiencies in Natural Resources Market
Introduction. Natural resource capital (NRC), created by ecological subsystem of EES, is inalienable from individual as the basic subject of ecological and economic relations, it can not be the object of private embezzlement. Consequently, all attempts to reduce the ecological and economic relationship to a purely market relations by artificially imposing domination market institute in institutional environment EES can only increase the number of institutional traps called market failures. Theoretical analysis. In process of institutionalization EES formation of natural resources market institute is probably one of those areas where constructive role could be played by institute of indicative planning in the form of government involvement in continuous program for collection and distribution of information related to the expected changes in technology, resource stocks and demand. Results. The complex character of natural wealth estimation is manifested in dual consideration of all benefits and effects (industrial, environmental, recreational), obtained from stocks using purposefully, and an integrated territorial approach to natural resources estimation as a combination of various lands. Conclusions. It was formulated the pricing basic rule for environmental capital reproduction – it is ecological demand price set by society shall be no lower than ecological supply price. Only in this case, natural resources users will remain stimulus to conserve natural resources and restore ecosystems.
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