Assessment of the Russian regions’ social security dynamics
Introduction. For a more accurate assessment of dynamics and achievement of set goals in the social sphere, research on methodological issues of social security and the development of indicators system for its assessment and monitoring are relevant. Theoretical analysis. The article examines theoretical aspects of the “social security” definition, identifies approaches to the definition of this concept and methodological difficulties in interpreting the assessment of the regional systems’ socio-economic security. Empirical analysis. To analyze the dynamics of the Russian regions’ social security level, an integral index was compiled on the basis of statistical indicators and a social security rating of 82 Russian regions was built. It includes 16 indicators in 5 groups, characterizing the main sphere of social security. Results. The revealed polarization of the Social Security Index values indicates the uneven social development of Russian regions, which is a significant threat to the economic security of the national economy as a whole and economic development in particular. Conclusions. The analysis made it possible to assess the level of Russian regions’ social security, to compile a rating and grouping of Russian regions according to the level of social security.
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