Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Economics. Management. Law

ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

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Mathematical Modeling of the Russian e-Commerce Market Economic Conditions

Melnikova Yulija V., Saratov State University

Introduction. Since the end of the XX century, the concept of digital economy comprises the wide application of digital technology in different spheres of economy. Separate enterprises and whole economic branches transform the existing models of business processes, being oriented on modern means of communication. One of the most important factors influencing this process is the development of Internet technology. Theoretical analysis. The Internet, as a key channel of communication in the social sphere and commerce, has become the main driver for the development of a new segment of the consumer market – the e-commerce market. Since the first years of their work, online stores showed a high level of sales and opened up new directions in optimizing business processes. Almost 30 years have passed since the first outlet opening in the United States. Today it is a whole industry around the world, equipped with the latest technology, working almost offline. The Russian market of Internet commerce (e-commerce) today is experiencing an unprecedented rise. The growth in customer activity is due to such factors as convenience, saving time and money, speed of delivery of goods. Empirical analysis. It was revealed that the Russian Internet-trading market is a dynamically developing segment of the country’s consumer market. A quantitative assessment of the market is investigated, its structure is examined, statistical patterns are analyzed and trends of further development are substantiated. Results. The vector of e-commerce market development is designated, the results of modeling the dynamics of the market volume for the period 2020–2022 in Russia are presented, conclusions about the upward trend in both the domestic and cross-border markets are substantiated.

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