Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Theoretic-Methodology Aspects of the Corporate Governance

The paper is about different view points of conception «corporate governance». There are several definition of the «corporate governance» category, of the different scientists. The author analyses it’s and propose fallowing methodology aspects of the corporate governance: strategic, lows, social, institutes, integral, value aspects and economics aspect.

Modeling the impact of industrial development factors on the reindustrialization of the US economy

Introduction. In the context of deglobalization and regionalization of the world economy, the leading country of modern neo-capitalism, the United States of America, is modernizing the national industrial system, using internal and external factors of innovation and technological development. The subject of the study is the assessment of the impact of industrial production development factors observed in the United States in the 2010s on the reindustrialization of the country’s economy (in comparison with the previous decade).

Effect evaluation of the industrial policy project instruments application in the regions

Introduction. This study is devoted to the analysis of industrial policy project instruments implemented by the Russian Industrial Development Fund, from the standpoint of assessing their impact on the systemic results of the industrial development of Russian regions. Theoretical analysis. The industrial sector of the economy has historically played a key role in the socio-economic development of Russia.

The Application of the Chesser’s Model at the Solvensy Screening of the of the Factories

In this article we research the methodology of the estimating of the probabilities of default of the enterprises. The authors analyze the creditworthiness of some Russian industrial enterprises using different alternative models for estimating the probability of default. Makes emphasis of the Chesser`s Model as the most universal and convenient. 

Features оf Innovative Activity in the Investment Sphere

In article features of the organization of innovative activity of investment institutes are considered. The last, to some extent enter into an investment component of innovative infrastructure (IСII) and are thus urged to solve the most important problem of ensuring innovative development at various levels financial resources. At the same time subjects of IСII need innovative development that in turn dema nds identification and the description of features innovative деятельности in the investment sphere.

Problems of Banks Participation in Project Lending of Innovation

The article highlights the project credits innovations as consequences or during recent financial crisis of innovative projects financing in Russia. At the same time this study presents the factors that impact on the project crediting. The author defines the reasons of underdevelopment innovation project credits by Russian banks. He highlights some important elements of the project credits in the Russian banks practice.

Econometric Modeling of Spatial Interaction

The article discusses the econometric models that include spatial and spatio-temporal distribution of socio-economic phenomena and processes.

Harmonisation of System of National Accounts with Accounting

The article deals with methodological issues of accounting and the System of National Accounts (SNA), United Nations, 2008. A comparison of the two accounting systems on the basis of determining their conceptual bases: subject, object, unit of account, purpose and objectives of accounting, the institutional nature, tools, users of information. The capabilities for the harmonization of macro-statistic accounting with accounting.

Preconditions of Activization of Innovative Activity in the Food-Processing Industry of the Volgograd Region

In article necessity of activization of innovative activity for the foodprocessing industry of the Volgograd region is discussed. According to authors of article, food-processing industry development as the branch providing the population by foodstuff, and also pursuing purpose maintenance of food safety of the country, in modern conditions is impossible without development of conceptual decisions, the ideas, called to raise level of its competitiveness.
