Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


On the concept and legal means of ensuring sustainable urban development

Introduction. The concept of sustainable development continues to receive more and more support every year, both at the international and domestic levels. The main reason for its popularity is that this concept has become a qualitatively new strategy for social development, designed to balance the environmental, economic and social interests of a citizen, business, society and the state in the interests of both present and future generations. Theoretical analysis.

Problems and prospects for the development of the legal status of election observers in the Russian Federation

Introduction. The functioning of election observers in the Russian Federation is directly related to ensuring and implementing publicity in the activities of election commissions. The study of the features of the legal status of observers is one of the most popular electoral topics in the modern scientific community, the relevance of which is objectively due to the significance of the functioning of the above-mentioned participants in the electoral process. Theoretical analysis.

Vectors of development of constitutional protection of human rights in connection with the progress of genomics

Introduction. In modern conditions of rapid development of genomics, the formation of a database of genetic testing of the Russian population, the legislative framework that effectively protects human rights and legitimate interests is only being formed in Russia. Theoretical analysis. Genetic information is of interest not only for a person who has undergone genetic testing, but also for his / her family members, the state in the organization of personalized medicine, employers, insurers, bankers.

Law and socioecosystem of small-numbered peoples of the North of the Russian Federation: Theoretical and legal analysis of the correlation of social phenomena

Introduction. Achievements of scientific and technological progress oblige humanity to carefully introduce them into existing socioecosystems, which is especially important in relation to socially vulnerable communities of indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North of Russia. The possibility of their survival is currently an important theoretical problem. Theoretical analysis.

Some aspects of improving the effectiveness of public administration in contingencies

Introduction. The nature of problems and challenges that arise in the modern state involves rethinking its functions, tasks and approaches to their solution in order to respond in a timely manner and take effective action. The most important tool for this is the law – the main regulator of socio-economic relations. Theoretical analysis. The balance of interests of the individual person and society as a whole is constantly under the influence of objective and subjective factors.

The legal regime of the Caspian Sea and directions for improving Russian environmental legislation

Introduction. The article discusses the measures taken in Russia and other Caspian littoral states to protect the environment of the Caspian Sea. Theoretical analysis. The author explores measures to develop an eco-network approach to the protection of water and biological resources of the Caspian Sea, problems of biodiversity conservation, the importance of protecting the Caspian ecosystems in the strategy of transition to sustainable development, as well as environmental threats due to sea level changes. Results.

The child and the Constitution of Russia: Conversations about important issues

Introduction. The presumption of knowledge of the law and laws of the state assumes that every citizen knows the necessary amount of legal information sufficient to fulfill the basic obligation to comply with the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the study of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and basic laws is mandatory and should be integrated into educational programs at all levels.

State support for agriculture in the era of P. A. Stolypin and modern reality

Introduction. The study of historical and legal development of agrarian relations in Russia is of great importance for the theory and practice of the development of modern social relations in the field of agriculture.

Strategic national priorities of Russia in the 2020 amendments to the Russian Constitution

Introduction. Strategic national priorities in Russia are enshrined in the National Security Strategy, which was approved in 2021. In this regard, the question arises: how do these priorities correlate with the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation that were introduced in 2020. Theoretical analysis. It was revealed that, depending on the stages of development of the state, the system of priorities may change, which is due to both domestic and international factors.

Methodical Problems of Criminalistics Research of Shooting-iron and Tracks of his Application

Introduction. Authentication of the threaded shooting-iron in modern practice of investigation of crime is an actual task, therefore search development of obschemedocheskikh bases of its decision creates a scientific prospect. Theoretical analysis. In the article, on the basis of tendency of the maximal use all represented possibilities of creation of single expert method of criminalistics research of the threaded shooting-iron and tracks of his application are considered in tracks of co-operation of the identification fields of the equated objects.
