Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Content of the Constitutional Human and Civil Right for Business Activity in Russian Federation

The paper treats the nature and content of the basic right of the individual to carry out business activity in Russian Federation. The order and form of exercising this law are analyzed, the subjects are identified, the constituent competences are described and classified, its detailed definition is given.

Administrative Liability for the Unfair Competition

The article deals with the specific features of imposing administrative liability for the unfair competition in the merchandise market. The author analyses the essence of the administrative breaches and their certain elements. Having examined the practice of the anti-monopoly bodies the author suggests possible ways of developing the current administrative – delinquent legislation.

Facts to be Established in the Process of Investigating Offences Related to Violation of Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules

The article deals with the debatable issues of investigating violations of sanitary and epidemiological rules. The author specifies the role of the facts to be established and the place of the same in Criminalistics methods structure. The author presents an adjusted list of the facts to be established in the process of investigating the mentioned category of criminal cases.

Unnatural Monopoly and Operational-Search Activity: Some Problems of Russia’s Specificity

Tracking activity in modern Russia must comply with market realities. Developments in the domestic society and the economy changes affect the activities of law enforcement bodies and special services.

Some Aspects of Political and Legal Representations about Power in XVIII–XX Сenturies

The paper deals with questions of the formation of political and legal representations about power, depending on what politico-legal school the representative of a considered doctrine belongs to. The work tries to estimate the degree of development of the politico-legal representations about power in the XVIII–XX centuries.

National Features of Russian Idea of the Lawful State

In the article are analyzed national ideas of a lawful state in doctrines of pre-revolutionary Russian scientists – jurists. It is a question of necessity of historical continuity at creation of this social institute in modern Russia. Ideas which have not lost the importance are considered.

Peter I and the Creation of the Concept of «Schools Service to the State»

XVIII century laid the foundations of Russia’s education, which was based on European-ical culture and science, while much ahead in the field of education pat-riarhalnuyu Russia.In the era of Peter the public service wore a centralized structed nature and uniformity throughout the country, so the opening of new schools gradually began to take in the conduct of the state.It was vyzva, but especially acute need for the state in literacy, knowledgeable officials.

G.G. Telberg – the First Dean of a Faculty of Law of the Saratov University (1918)

Clause is devoted short, but to the bright and sated period of activity on a post of the dean of the known lawyer, the jurist and politician G.G. Telberg – one of the first heads of the faculty of law founded in structure of the Saratov Imperial Nikolaev University on July, 1st, 1917 under the decision of Temporary government.

Legal regulation of the integration of the EAEU digital space

Introduction. In the whole world, all countries are involved to varying degrees in the process of digital transformation of the national economy. There is a global trend towards the use of the processes based on digital solutions. In addition, there are significant opportunities for the emergence of integration processes. Digital integration has an impact on international cooperation. The economic integration of countries becomes impossible without the digitalization of economic systems, legal frameworks, and technologies.
