Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Use of the Cluster Analysis to Compare the Digital Images Traces of the Firing Pin

Introduction. One of the most important tasks of forensic ballistics examination is the identification of weapons from marks of the striker. This problem is usually associated with the searching for matching traces from cartridge case repository. Ballistic identification systems (such as POISC, TAIS, Condor, Arsenal and others) are used to help expert in such task. All of them use automatic algorithms for searching matching traces based on the calculation of the cross- correlation function.

Allocation of Individual Attributes on Digital Images of the Firing Pin Traces

Introduction. Automated ballistic identification systems allow automation of inspections by array firing pin traces containing thousands of similar objects. However, sometimes the system allow «mistakes», ie can not find ‘doubles’ trail in database. In addition, quite often «doubles» trail of test array is placed on the priority list is far from its beginning.

Place of the Business Liberty in Constitutional Model of the Economy in Russia and Germany

Introduction. The Particularity modern european constitution is connected with fastening active dug the state in economic relations. This is connected with that that model of the legal registration of the most important sides is thought-out on its essence Constitution to lifes of the separate person and society as a whole, she «forms the mechanism of the combination of national valuables and ideal with process, typical of modern civilization regardless of social as a whole, national or territorial frames, in which she develops» [1, p. 66].

Electronic Education in a High School as a Factor of the Development of the State Education Policy in the Regions

Introduction. One of the purposes of the Federal Act «Education in the Russian Federation» of 29 December 2012 № 273-FZ is the consolidation of modern requirements to the educational process associated with the introduction of new forms of educational programs, educational technologies, forms and methods of teaching. The article describes the legal regulation of the use of e-learning and distance learning technologies in the implementation of higher education programs. Results.

The Principles of Justice and Equality in the Area of Administrative Responsibility

Introduction. The article is devoted to the actual concern of determining the content not enough elaborated in the science of administrative law principles of justice and equality in the sphere of administrative responsibility. Purpose. To open the contents of the principles of justice and equality through the analysis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Administrative code of the Russian Federation and the resolutions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Results.

Terms Appeal to the Court: Obstacles to the Protection of Employee or a Way to Fight the Abuse of Rights

Introduction. The article devoted to the urgent and important issue for modern Russia abbreviated terms apply for the protection of workers’ rights. Objective. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the practical situations where a shorter period, prevented workers to protect their rights and situations where employees have abused their right to go to court and did it on the last day of the deadline.

Some Aspects of the Implementation of Lawmaking Policy in Civil Proceedings

Introduction. At present Russian Federation formed enough quality legislation. However, legal framework under constant updates. Therefore, the creation of legal conditions for securing legislative strategy is the aim of lawmaking policy, under which it is possible to understand the science-based, consistent and systemic activity of the state and nonstate structures aimed at determining the strategy and tactics of lawmaking, the creation of necessary conditions for effective lawmaking work etc. Methods.

To the Question of Criminal and Legal Policy Efficiency in the Sphere of the Crime Prevention Against Criminal Legal Proceeding Participants

Introduction. In the Russian Federation the criminal and legal policy in the sphere of protection of criminal legal proceeding participants against criminal encroachments is ineffective. This circumstance leads not only to serious obstacles in justice implementation, but also to direct threat of the personality. One of prevention means of the considered crimes is their criminal legal protection.

Moral and Ethical Parliamentary Deputy`S Image as the Subject of Legal Regulation

Introduction. The article analyzes the legal aspects of moral and ethical image and behavior of parliamentary deputy. Object. The main object of the paper is to study the legal nature and mechanism of implementation of the Rules of parliamentary ethics, as well as responsibility for the violation of moral norms by deputies. Results. The authors analyzed the legislative acts providing the basics of moral and ethical deputy`s image and regulating the ethical behavior of parliamentarians and their responsibility for the violation the law.

Legal Regulation of Interaction Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Subjects with the State Governments and Other

Introduction. This article analyzes the activities of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation subject in the context of its interaction with the regional authorities and the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Discussion The author analyzes the order of creation and activities of public chambers of the Federation, the impact of these processes on the authorities of the Federation. Points to the direct involvement in the formation of public chambers of the legislative and executive powers of the regions.
