Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Some reflections on the 20th anniversary of the Federal Law “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”

Introduction. Legal regulation in the fi eld of local self-government has been carried out by the key Federal Law “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" for twenty years. It is periodically criticized due to numerous adjustments, and, after the 2020 amendments to the Russian Constitution, its “resignation” was already predicted. However, the bill prepared to replace it did not stand up to criticism and died out in the State Duma.

Constitutionalization of environmental relations in Russia: Formation and development

Introduction: The formation and development of constitutional norms of the protection of nature and the environment is an important condition for creating the favorable environment in the interests of present and future generations. An analysis of the evolution of this process will allow us to trace legal trends in this area and further prospects for constitutionalization of environmental relations. Theoretical analysis.

Constitutional and legal bases of restriction of freedom of creativity: Goals and limits

Introduction. The diversity and transformation of relations in the sphere of the realization of the right to creative activity determine the formation of a complex mechanism of legal regulation, the elements of which should be legal restrictions. Theoretical analysis. Restrictions on the freedom of creativity are quite numerous and can be of an ethical, moral and legal nature.

The subject and procedure for consideration of cases of compliance of the initiative to hold a referendum on the proposed issue (proposed issues) of the referendum with the Constitution of the Russian Federation by the Constitutional Court of the Russian

Introduction. The issue of the subject of review of cases of compliance of the initiative to hold a referendum on the proposed issue (proposed issues) of the referendum with the Constitution of the Russian Federation by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is not regulated in the federal legislation. In addition, the federal legislation regulates the procedure for considering cases of this category only in general terms. Theoretical analysis.

Calculating the amount of tax when using the simplified taxation system: Mathematical and statistical patterns of achieving a socially signifi cant result

Introduction. The social orientation of legal regulation should be manifested in the process of performing any of the state functions, including the collection of taxes and fees. The balance of the “material interests” of the state and individual members of society when paying a mandatory payment is determined by the dynamics of variable economic indicators used in calculating its size.

Legal aspects of using information technology to compensate for physical disabilities

Introduction. In the modern period there is a dynamic introduction of information technology in all spheres of social life. Scientific and applied achievements concerning the development of IT began to be actively used for the rehabilitation of people who became disabled, including those with problems with the musculoskeletal system, muscle atrophy, loss of hearing, vision, etc. Theoretical analysis.

Free use of someone else’s work for educational purposes: Some problems of legal regulation and law enforcement

Introduction. Among the protected works of science, literature and art related to the results of creative work, there are objects that are significant from the point of view of the interests of society and can be tools for solving socially significant tasks, including those in the field of education. The general approach of the legislator to the legal regulation of such objects is aimed at ensuring their maximum accessibility to all interested parties.

Legal regulation and organization of the activities of penitentiary institutions of the Saratov province in the late XIX – early XX centuries in the context of the implementation of the prison reform of 1879

Introduction. In modern conditions, several promising directions in the study of the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation are being actualized. In the context of these scientific developments, the research into the historical and legal aspects of the legislative policy of late Imperial Russia to improve the organizational structure, management bodies and functioning of institutions of the penal system has become particularly relevant. Theoretical analysis.

On the concept and legal means of ensuring sustainable urban development

Introduction. The concept of sustainable development continues to receive more and more support every year, both at the international and domestic levels. The main reason for its popularity is that this concept has become a qualitatively new strategy for social development, designed to balance the environmental, economic and social interests of a citizen, business, society and the state in the interests of both present and future generations. Theoretical analysis.

Problems and prospects for the development of the legal status of election observers in the Russian Federation

Introduction. The functioning of election observers in the Russian Federation is directly related to ensuring and implementing publicity in the activities of election commissions. The study of the features of the legal status of observers is one of the most popular electoral topics in the modern scientific community, the relevance of which is objectively due to the significance of the functioning of the above-mentioned participants in the electoral process. Theoretical analysis.
