Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Economics. Management. Law

ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

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The role of legal (juridical) dictation in identifying the level of legal literacy and legal education

Toguzaeva Ekaterina Nikolaevna, Saratov State University

Introduction. Confirmation of the importance of legal education, the need to overcome legal nihilism and increase the level of legal culture was reflected at the official level in regulatory legal acts, primarily in the Fundamentals of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the development of legal literacy and legal awareness of citizens. Currently, cooperation with non-governmental organizations in this direction is actively developing, which opens up new facets. So, for example, the Association of Lawyers of Russia has initiated the All-Russian Legal Dictation since 2017, the scale of which increases significantly every year. Theoretical analysis. The following problems that hinder the high efficiency of educational activities in legal domain are identified: 1) lack of consistency and proper methodological support; 2) risks of social, organizational, financial, economic and regulatory nature; 3) the absence of maps of obstacles to legal education, indicating all possible risks and ways to minimize and overcome them. Results. The main obstacles to legal education, the associated risks, that can be minimized to increase the efficiency of legal education and the level of legal literacy of the population, are highlighted. Recommendations are given to improve such an action as the All-Russian Legal Dictation, as well as to conduct such actions separately by professional communities. One should not neglect the optional objectives, which can also be achieved when carrying out activities of a law-enlightening nature. For example, tasks of the formation and development of the information and communication culture of citizens, which are now at the initial stage of formation, are no less important.

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