Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Foreign Practice of Socio Responsible Investment

Introduction. In the conditions of crisis and reconsideration of the main paradigms of development, social and responsible investment becomes one of the tools capable to provide «healthy» development of world economy. In the West the socially responsible investments (SRI) are considered as the mechanism of disclosure of innovative capacity of civil society. Research was based on methodology of the system analysis.

Peculiarities of the Present Stage of Realizing the Strategy of Import Substitution in the Agro-food Complex

Introduction. Strategic management of competitiveness is especially actual in the conditions of globalization, uncertainty of environment, changing the conjuncture of the world food market. The paper explores the conditions and factors of the present stage of import substitution in the agro-food complex. Theoretical analysis. The paper shows the results and areas of studying the strategy of import substitution in the agro-food complex, the mechanisms of its support, and substantiates the short-term and long-term prior

Econometric Modeling Studio Price Method of Geographically Weighted Regression

Introduction. Detection and measurement of interdependencies in the housing market is one of the key issues examined econometric methods. Compared with traditional methods of geographically weighted regression extends the understanding of how the units belonging to the set of specific geographical coordinates affect the relationship between the covariates and the price of real estate.

The Concept of Fictitious Commodities in the Modern Economy: General Ideas and Key Features

If we look at the modern economy we can see how significant the role of intangible assets and intellectual work has become over the last decades. These assets include fictitious commodities, and nowadays we have to analyze different definitions of this term, explain its basic characteristics and price formation strategies. Theoretical analysis. For signs of bogus goods is investigated, which serves as the basis for the cost of the real goods.

The Impact of Currency Policy of the Central Bank of Russia on the Dynamics of Economic Conjuncture

Introduction. Monetary and exchange rate policy of the Central Bank of Russia has a decisive influence on the dynamics of the macroeconomic situation. Theoretical analysis. State, the device performs the impact on the economy taking into account their own specific interests, whose main aim is the growth of the resources of the state budget. Monetary policy the Central Bank provides the first replenishment of the resources of the state budget.

Corruption Risks in the System State Procurement in Russia

Introduction. In modern conditions of great importance is the establishment of an effective system of public procurement in Russia. It is necessary to analyze the risk of corruption and conflict in this system. This is determined by the relevance of the study. Theoretical analysis. The main corruption risks are: taking bribes employee taking the decision to purchase; bribing decision-makers on the purchase by the customer; the provision of classified information (prices, terms and conditions) to third parties.

Modeling of Innovative Development of Economy on the Basis of the Two Sector of Endogenous Growth

Introduction. Addressing the issues of economic development is driving growth and welfare of countries. Economic development of a country depends on the competitive advantages of the industrial complex and primarily commodity sector of the economy. Theoretical analysis. In the article the theory of imitation and innovation in the framework of endogenous theory economic development to study the dynamics of innovative development of countries with developing and transitional economies.

Social Development and Taxation: Correlation and Interdependence

Introduction. Social orientation of Russia means that it is the state’s responsibility to provide an efficient system of social welfare and state guarantees as well as establish proper legal regulation of the social sphere. Thus, it is especially important to conduct research aimed at revealing the relationship and interdependence between social policy and taxation. Theoretical analysis. The article presents and proves a hypothesis that there is a direct correlation between the level of social development and taxation system efficiency.

Problematic Issues of Academic Engagement Between Universities and Business

Introduction. National research universities in addition to the functions of education, research, play an integrating role within the ecosystem of innovation, participating in the process of business development. Paramount importance of academic cooperation between universities and enterprises. Theoretical analysis. In the article the problematic issues of academic cooperation between universities and business associated with his assessment: lack of longitudinal information, the validity and comparability of study results is limited.

Institutional Factors of Competitiveness of the Organization: Concept, Classification, Laws of Relationships

Introduction. Improving the competitiveness of organizations in the context of external challenges and economic crisis is one of the pillars of modern economic strategy of the state. The practice of developed countries shows that the determining condition for improving the competitiveness of organizations is an effective interaction between the various institutions. Hence the problem of the relationship between various institutional factors and their impact on the competitiveness of the organizations are very important. Theoretical analysis.
