Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


On Models the Relationships Authorities and Business Structures

Introduction. Currently, the Russian business is faced with a choice between economic transformation and adaptation to political realities. So now updated the task of studying the relationship of business and government as a process, which plays a role in political relations in modern Russia.

Factors Convergence Russian Regions and Their Characteristics in the Reproductive Cycle of the Human Potential

Introduction. Search the development of the Russian economy is characterized by increasingly complex social and economic phenomena, differentiation and specialization of regions of Russia, accompanied by a steady increase in the number of factors that significantly determine the scope, pace and quality of economic growth. According to the concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020. One of these factors is the human potential. Empirical results.

Optimization and Improving Efficiency of Public Sector Expenditures in the Context of the Economic Area De-globalization

Introduction. There is an exacerbation of the struggle between the countries for the implementation of their economic interests in the global market in the context of a multipolar world formation. The de-globalization trends increase and emerging local and global economic crises form the series of new requirements to ensure the efficiency of the public sector housekeeper. The article analyzes the measures to optimize the public sector costs during the crisis. Theoretical analysis.

Essence of Venture Investments

Introduction. One of financial instruments of innovative activity is venture investment. So far the main tools and elements of infrastructure, investment of innovative activity, i.e. venture investment are formed, remains insufficiently developed in theoretical and practical aspect. In article genesis of the concept «venture investments» and its property is investigated. The purpose is the analysis of economic essence of venture investments. Theoretical analysis.

Dynamics of Labour Productivity: Calculation and Specialities in the Regions

Introduction.Improvement of competitive positions of Russian economy is impossible without an increase in labour productivity. A productivity development at the level of country, region, cluster, enterprise, manufacture or section is meant to be an increase in efficiency of production factors utilisation, or resources being used. Theoretical analysis. The article is devoted to analysis of public labour efficiency specifics in Russia. The essence and forming factors of labour efficiency were demonstrated at macrolevel. Research approach.

Existence`s Institutional Factor of Objects Cultural Heritage as One of the Type Public Goods

Introduction. Maintaining specific type of public goods in the form of cultural heritage property appears to be not only a social and cultural, but also economic problem. This problem is associated with the growth of government spending on the protection and conservation-restoration of cultural heritage objects and the evaluation of the effectiveness of public spending. By supporting these kind of goods, the national identity of economic agents can be provided, strengthening Russia’s national security. Theoretical analysis.

Credit Market: the Problems, Contradictions and Potential for Growth

Introduction. In the present state of the domestic economy, where there is a stable manifestation of stagflation processes will inevitably have to deal with problems in the field of credit and the banking system. At the same time it is the real situation in those areas of financial activity depend largely on the prospects and potential for economic growth. Therefore, the study of the conditions in which this activity takes place, and the search for reserves to strengthen the positions of banks in the market today are the urgent tasks.

The State Support of Small Business: Myth or Reality?

Introduction. Small business development has become one of the priorities of the economic policy of the country. This article led to the location and role of small business in today’s economy. Theoretical analysis. Small business is the locomotive of the economy of the country, it is a great force. Periodically creates favorable conditions for the prosperity of small businesses.

Problems and Prospectsventure Investment Developments of Territorial Educations

Development of the innovative projects which are carried out on the basis of the knowledge-intensive hi-tech enterprises considering the existing and potential advantages of the region is necessary for successful development of territorial educations. Implementation of innovative projects on development of territorial educations in many respects depends on quality and existence of labor, material, financial, investment and other resources.

Assessment of Food Security Level of Territories on the Basis of the Analysis of Self-reliance of the Population the Main Products

The modern economy of import substitution caused need of an assessment of potential opportunities of certain territories for achievement of goals which is able to allow authorities of all levels to take measures of the stimulating character in time. Relevance gets strengthening of food security in respect of independence of the territory of import deliveries of food. Theoretical analysis.
