Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


On Improvement of Taxation of Small and Medium Business

Introduction. The socio-economic situation in the country is largely dependent on the level of development of small and medium-sized businesses.

Research of Formation and Use of the Municipal Budget Ufa

Introduction. In the current crisis conditions decline in growth receipt of incomes to local budgets is felt stronger in comparison with the previous year. In relation to this fact it is necessary to mobilise all reserves for local budget extension. Local budgets are one of Russian consolidated budget elements. Nowadays in Russian Federation the role of local government authorities is increasing in economic and cultural construction.

Cognitive Modeling the Impact of a Regional System of Higher Education in the Innovative Development of the Region

Introduction. To find the most effective management tools for interaction of regional higher education and regional innovation system to analyze their mutual influence through cognitive analysis. Theoretical analysis. To assess the role of regional institutions of higher education in regional development in the foreign studies used different models to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the contribution of universities to social and economic innovative development of the region. Empirical analysis.

Statistical Analysis of the Cost of Quality in the Organization

Introduction. Statistical analysis of the cost of quality is one of the most important elements of cost management in the organization, as well as necessary in the construction of a quality system in accordance with ISO 9000 quality costs include all costs associated with quality,

Target Indicators as a Tool in the Management of Social and Economic Development

Introduction. The effectiveness of management activities and the successful achievement of the major objectives of social and economic development are highly dependent on competent analysis and evaluation, planning future actions. Methodology.

Methods and Forms of Investment Innovation at the Meso Level

Introduction. The urgent need for the formation of national innovative system of the Russian Federation actualizes the problem of building innovative systems of meso-economic level, the solution is impossible without determining the most effective forms and methods of investing in the innovative development of the regions, bringing the required volumes of investment resources at the right time. For this it is necessary to accurately determine the terminology, to reveal the economic substance of the studied concepts to conduct data classification.

Based on the Mechanism of Integrated Logistics Support System of Services in the Cultural Industries

Introduction. Integrated logistics support system of production of the cultural industries as a complex high-tech products is an informational and organizational support lifecycle services culture. Theoretical analysis. The article describes the structure of cultural industries in relation to the modern Russian economic situation.

Control of Passengers in Commuter Train: the Intensity and Interest Coverage

Introduction. Solving the problem of building cash activity on commuter trains, which will provide a high level of coverage of passengers on all trains route, can be considered from the point of view of productivity of supervisors. Passengers trains represent the requirements for service on the part of supervisors. They come in a railroad train at stops and leave the train, serving their supervisors or not. This process is convenient to describe position of queueing theory. Theoretical analysis.

Managerial Aspect in Activity of Pharmaceutical Companies

Introduction. The article explains the use of the project approach in the management of innovative activity of pharmaceutical companies and determining the cost-effectiveness of investments in innovation activities of pharmaceutical companies. Theoretical analysis. The activity of pharmaceutical companies is increasingly taking the form of projects. This is primarily due to the necessity of standardization the most important aspects of corporate management activities of pharmaceutical companies.
