Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Process Approach in Providing Municipal Educational Institution of Hot Meals

Introduction. The urgency of studying the issues of management approaches to ensure that the process of providing municipal educational institutions of hot food is a serious organizational problems and imbalances in the financing of this sector. Theoretical analysis.

Management of Employment: the Role of Small Business in Achieving Effective Employment Region

Introduction. In the contemporary world the question of employment’s effectiveness is becoming more important. For the state not only issues of providing jobs for the economically active population arises, but also issues of effective work organization. Moreover, effective work process should be organized for all subjects involved in it. Theoretical background of the research. This study explores the researcher’s views on various questions of effective employment, offers author’s definition of full employment at the regional level.

Risks of Commercial Banks: the Regional Aspect of the Example Saratov Region

Introduction. Modern Russian banking system is going through a difficult period of reform and global change. Status of the Russian banking system reflects the general state of the economy and the financial sector of the country and the world. It is characterized by low immunity to numerous, including systemic risk, low maneuverability in a high level of uncertainty. All these factors reduce the functional capacity of the Russian banking system as a whole. Theoretical analysis.

Effective Management of Cultural Heritage Objects as Development Factor of Saratov Region

Introduction.The urgency determines the need to find new sources of the regional economy growth, one of which could be the development of cultural and historical environment of the region. Highly developed cultural and historical environment will increase the interest in the Saratov region for tourists from other regions of Russia, which ultimately have a positive impact on the Saratov region`s economy. Theoretical analysis.


Introduction. One of the modern trends in the development of management and organizational behavior are the focus on the human factor, the personality, as a key resource of the organization and the strengthening of social and humanistic management orientation.

Principles of Levelling of Negative Consequences of Influence of Risks on Efficiency of Projects of Corporate Merges and Absorption

Introduction. Risk management of merges and absorption possibly through impact on the system generating them. It caused need of research of properties of space of corporate integration as a complicated open system for formation of understanding about the nature of these risks, a choice of the effective instrument of management of them for the purpose of stimulation of efficiency of strategic corporate integration.

Financial and Legal Basics of Individual Investment Accounts: the Experience of Developed Countries and Prospects in Russia

Introduction. The article is devoted to new Russian financial instrument – individual investment accounts (IIAs), which is widespread in developed countries. Active participation in operations on the stock market is an indicator of its maturity, providing the transformation of individual savings into an economy needs investment. Theoretical analysis. The explores the use of IIAs in the US and the UK.

Identification of Actual Threats for Export Control System: International and Russian Experience

Introduction. The article focuses on the reasons of the emergence of new threats and «break points» in the export control system both at regional and global levels. There is the characteristic of the given system in Russia, including the activities of the special authorities, as well as the summary description of the activities of the international export control regimes. Theoretical analysis.

Тo the Question of Preferential Tax Treatment for Small Businesses in Saratov Region

Introduction. In the context of economic crisis in Russia there is an urgent necessity in state support of small businesses, especially in the form of reducing taxes for businesses in the region. We have to analyze the preferential tax treatment for small businesses in Saratov region and its impact on the development of small business in recent years. It determines the relevance of the study. Theoretical analysis. In Saratov region preferential tax treatment for small businesses is presented in a number of regional laws.

The Statistical Approach to the Analysis and Forecasting of Demographic Data

Introduction. Possibilities of application ARIMA-models to analysis and forecasting of demographic time series were considered in the article. Foreign studies had shown that the ARIMA-models give good results for forecasting indicators such as population, birth rates and death rates, life expectancy, along with the traditional demographic methods (cohort-component approach). Research technique.
