Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Reforming the Tax System in Crisis and Post-crisis Period

Introduction. Tax reforms in times of economic recession are of particular importance. Proper and careful use of tax mechanisms can contribute to the improving both the socio-economic and political situation in the country. From this perspective, it becomes urgent to analyze measures and their effects taken by various States in the area of taxation during the crisis and in the postcrisis period. Theoretical analysis.

Analysis of Environmental Taxation of the Russian Federation

Introduction. An important aspect of the socio-economic development of the country is the account of the environmental component as a factor in demographic stability, improve the economic efficiency of production facilities, as well as increased responsibility of individuals and legal entities for the activity results. Theoretical analysis. The article deals with the mutual influence of economic activities of individuals and legal entities, and the existing tax system in the country to preserve the environment and maintain the ecological balance.

Local Authorities’ Performance Assessment

Introduction. Socio-economic development of the regions depends mainly on the activities of the local self-government bodies and they have taken on managerial decisions. Methodology and results of study. As a result of scientific work has established a system of indicators, the use of which is essential in assessing the management effectiveness of the socio-economic development of municipalities.

Activities Professionalization of Corporate Control Systems in Russian Companies

Introduction. Article explains the necessity of activities professionalization of corporate control systems in Russian companies. Clear scientific selection of processes in the corporate governance system will determine their specificity, the composition of labor actions and functions for the formation of professional standards, which, in its turn will perform benchmarks in the development of educational programs for various levels of training in higher education system.

Specification of Requirements for Credit Assessment of Borrowers

Introduction. Reviewed banking license by the Central Bank continues to occur, usually as a result of placement of funds by banks in the form of loans to the low-quality assets with low liquidity. The situation is complicated by a zero rate of growth of the economy and the fall in consumer demand. There is a growth of overdue loans, especially for small businesses.

Methodological Approach to the Analysis of the Competitive Environment in the Dairy Industry on the Basis of the Model of Price Elasticity of Supply

Introduction. The methods of analysis of price elasticity of supply for the regulation of the competitive environment on the market of raw milk. Empirical analysis. The state of competition on the market of raw milk is characterized by the fact that in most cases the producer acts on it in the role of a price taker. This external condition creates a situation in which prices of milk sales are a derived quantity from the purchase prices offered by the buyers-processors.

Cluster Development Coordination Center as the Basis for the Operation of the Innovation System in the Integration

Introduction. The scale and complexity of the management of national innovation systems displace the interest in regional systems, and the integration process of withdrawal of the economy of the regions of the state border on the international level, in connection with the actual study of the development processes of the innovation system in terms of integration on the basis of cluster approach. Theoretical analysis.

About the Use of Performance Indicators Efficiency of Activity of the Enteprise of Service Industries: Logistics Aspect

Introduction. The urgency of evaluation of efficiency of logistical activity at the present stage of economic development, concerning both traditional and service logistics. It is shown that the development of service logistics, determining the production activity of the enterprises of sphere of services on the logistics platform makes even more meaningful the issues of systematization of indicators that measure the strength of. Theoretical analysis.

Features of Motivation of Top-managers in Russia

Introduction. Top-managers – senior management, including its CEO, the Deputy Directors and the directions of work. On the topmanagers of the company, which are a key element of corporate governance rests with the achievement of the goals, objectives, implementation at the operational level of policy and strategy company, developed in conjunction with the Board of Directors, which implies a sufficient level of responsibility in the company.

The System of Automatic Control of Production Based on the Principles of Automatic Control Theory

Introduction. Computer aided production management, allowing monitoring of the current state of the production process, make the necessary adjustments, and to predict the volume of output in natural and cost expression are necessary management tool to ensure sufficient competitiveness. Therefore, the issue of development of such systems is scientifically and practically meaningful. Theoretical analysis.
