For citation:
Sidorova E. Y., Stepanov A. S. Functional Model and Improve Management of Effectiveness Evaluation of Industrial Organization in a Competitive Environment. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 3, pp. 298-303. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2015-15-3-298-303
Functional Model and Improve Management of Effectiveness Evaluation of Industrial Organization in a Competitive Environment
Introduction. Assessment of the effectiveness of management is required to use its results in the course of the subsequent impact on the current status and development trends of industrial organization, the extent and vectors of organizational change, identify the most important factors of growth, detection and coordinate poorly controlled processes. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the procedure for evaluating the effectiveness of social and economic system of industrial organization that requires coordination management indicators with indicators of the efficiency of the organization. Shows which factors determine the effectiveness of the proposed model. Results. The article suggests a functional model and improve management effectiveness evaluation of industrial organization, which includes competitive strategy, strategic resources, the system of interaction with consumers and environmental factors involved in business processes. This model was tested on the example of the four major bakeries in Saratov region.
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