Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Constitutional Law Restriction on Free Higher Education in Russia

The article deals with the problems of placing limitations on realization of constitutional law for receiving free higher education on a com‑ petitive basis in state and municipal educational institutions for higher professional training.

Development of Some Aspects of Political and Legal Conceptions of Power in Europe

The article focuses on the concept of power in various doctrines of European countries and its functioning within the doctrines before the concept of institution of state based on the rule of law emerged.

Ballistic Examination-new Integration Approaches and Decisions

In work problems which are necessary for solving for technical maintenance of formation digital bullet and cartridge repository, uniting hundred thousand digital images of the same objects are analyzed.

The Narcotic Weapon – Weapons of Mass Destruction of the Prolonged Action

In work it is shown that heroin can be carried to a category the weapon as it is possible to present it as means of defeat of the manpower, not having direct appointment in a life or manufacture. The narcoweapon on the properties represents the same raised danger, as well as any other weapon of similar defeat.

On Cold Forensic Investigation Bladed Weapons

This paper investigates the problem of diagnostic study improvised bladed knives related to the improper treatment of many experts, the regulatory framework.

Forensic Research of Markers for Game in Paintball

The article discusses the study of pneumatic shooting device - markers to paintball games based on existing national normative and technical documents. An example of research markers for paintball games in order to assign them to a certain category of objects for customs control purposes.

Methods for Recognition of Weapons of Preliminary Work up Digital Images of Traces on Bullets and Cartridge Cases

In paper investigated methods to improve the quality of digital images of the firing pin traces and traces on fired bullets. Methods of comparison of firing pin traces by means of Euler’s characteristics and methods of comparison of traces on fired bullets by means of the correlation analysis have been considered. Analyzed the firing pin marks on the image cartridges, shot in the Makarov pistol and Colt mod. 1911, as well as marks on the bullets, shot from a Makarov pistol.

Influence of the Structure of N-paraffins on the Detonation Properties of Plastic

The experimental methods for styding detonation properties of paraffin’s based substance is proposed. The schemes of using experimental equipments are shown. The methods approbation for example С18Н38 and С22Н46 were made. It is shown that the proposed method can be used to assess the ability of the detonation of explosives.

Definition of Position of the Victim at the Moment of a Shot on Stains of Splashes of the Blood Which Have Been Beaten Out by a Bullet

This paper investigates the error in the determination of the victim the moment of firing by spots of blood spatter. It is shown that the position of the victim in a horizontal plane can be determined in some cases with an accuracy of ± 2.5 cm.

The Physical Method of Assessing the State of the Connective Tissue of its Restructuring in the Field of Fire Trail

The question about the possibility of time determining of the appearance of defect after the contact of fired missile with the cover layer of the skin is examined. The hypothesis about the redistribution of a quantity of molecules of low-molecular solvent in the zone of damage due to the confluence of specific defects – the super-vacancies, which facilitate a change in the diffusion coefficient is advanced.
