Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


ASEAN+3: Key Positions of Cooperation and Prospects of Development

In this article the author considers different cooperation between countries of South East Asia with key Asia’s countries (China, Japan, Republic of Korea). The attention is focused on economic cooperation of the countries and also prospects of cooperation’s development.

Analysis of Dynamics of Prices of Real Estate by Method of Geographically Weighted Regression

This article considers application of method of geographically weighted regression for analysis of dynamics of average price for square metre of real estate. Effectiveness of method of geographically weighted regression is illustrated in realistic empirical data.

Changing the Implementation of The Functions of the Market in the Russian Economy

The article analyzes the peculiarities of the implementation of the functions of the market in today’s changing economy. Shows the differences between the implementation of the functions of the market in the classical market and modern Russia. Formulated the problem of implementing the functions of the market in terms of economic modernization.

Complex Estimation of the Level of Development of the Regional Industrial Complex

In article theoretical and methodological approaches of an estimation of a level of development of the regional industry are discussed. Methods of an estimation the industries based on the analysis of a statistical and analytical indicator are considered. The major factors influencing formation and development of an industrial complex of region are revealed. The algorithm of designing, calculation and automation of a rating estimation of a level of development of a regional industrial complex is offered.

Economical Aspects of Innovative System Development at Mezolevel

The present article analyzes the systematic approach to the innovative activities organization. The special attention is paid to the development of regional innovative system.

Nanoeconomics: Many-Level Approach to Research of Economic Relations

In the article research theoretical and methodological basis of nanoeconomics as a stating level of the analysis economical relations. Disclose different approaches in the definition of notion «nanoeconomics», to distinguish the subject domain of research.

Specifics of National Resource-Oriented Economies Development

The article deals with the imbalances and contradictions emerging in the context of the export of raw materials specifics of the national economy. A relationship between a high proportion of resource exports and negativities of socio-economic impacts for its development is detected. The article deals with the imbalances and contradictions emerging in the context of the export of raw materials specifics of the national economy. A relationship between a high proportion of resource exports and negativities of socio-economic impacts for its development is detected. 

Universities Impact on Innovative Development of Regions: an Empirical Analysis

Introduction. In recent decades, questions the impact of universities on regional economic development and the search for the most effective mechanisms and instruments of cooperation of universities and regions attracts more and more attention from researchers and practitioners. Methodology of the study. In this article it was set the goal – to study the influence of Russian universities in the innovative development of the regions.
