Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. law. 2012, Vol. 12, iss. 3

Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Экономика. Управление. Право
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Economical Integration and Economical Growth: Interconnection and Interdependence of Processes
Ekova V. A.
Teoretical and Metodological Approaches to Research of Social and Economical Spatial Heterogeneity in the Region
Azmina Y. M.
Activization Factors of Foreign Economic Activities Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Volgograd Region
Fatina N. V.
Structure of Financing of Innovative Activity of the Enterprises of the Food-processing Industry in the Volgograd Region
Song J., Tompson R. M., Vorburger T., Ballou S., Yen J., Zheng A., Silver R., Ols M.
Establishing a Traceability and Quality System for U.S. Ballistics Identification Using NIST SRM Standard Bullets and Cartridge Cases
Fedin A. V., Chashin E. A., Fedorenko V. A.
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Bullet Signature Identification Using Topography Measurements and Correlations. Unification of Microscopy and Objective Statistical Methods
Tompson R. M., Song J., Zheng A., Yen J.
Cartridge Case Signature Identification Using Topography Measurements and Correlations. Unification of Microscopy and Objective Statistical Methods
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Possibility of Farearm Identification on Fired Bullets Traces after Thermal Influence
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Regularuty of the Traces Formation on Bullets and Cartridge Cases Depending on the Technological Peculiarities of the Homemade Renovation of the Gas Gun of the Izhevsk’s Mechanical Plant
Fedorenko V. A., Zaharevich A. M., Bilenko D. I., Venig S. B., Gvozdkova L. S.
Research of Products of a Distant Shot by Means of a Scanning Electronic Microscope
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Systems of the Neutralization of Shell Ammunition Without Detonation
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Thermal Matematical Model of the Non-detonation of the Ammunition
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Definition of Position of the Victim at the Moment of a Shot on Stains of Splashes of the Blood Which Have Been Beaten Out by a Bullet
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Influence of the Structure of N-paraffins on the Detonation Properties of Plastic
Seleznev E. P., Makarenko N. G., Fedorenko M. V.
Methods for Recognition of Weapons of Preliminary Work up Digital Images of Traces on Bullets and Cartridge Cases