Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Economics. Management. Law

ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

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The Approaches to the Analysis of the University Influence on Regional Development

Chelnokova Olga Yurievna, Saratov State University
Firsova Anna Alexandrovna, Saratov State University

The contribution of universities to the generation of innovation and knowledge transfer, the economic development of the region and the country at the regional level is seen as essential to innovation-based growth, so compiling the classification of the main approaches to the analysis is the actual impact. Theoretical analysis. Depending on the approaches used all methods of analysis of the impact of the university on innovative regional development is subdivided into quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as empirical and theoretical methods of economic knowledge. From this perspective, the article provides an overview of few methodologies for analyzing of universities impact in region development, such as methodology of I. A. Mayburov, the methodology of the OECD project «Review of the role of universities in regional development», an integrated model of multifunctional and multi-level participation of universities in regional development in the context of the needs of the region by O. V. Perfilieva, techniques to analyze the experience of interaction existing federal universities with relevant regions of Russia O. V. Perfilieva and T. A. Meshkova, as well as methods of assessing the development of higher education at the regional level by constructing the ratings of subjects of the Russian Federation. Results. Creating mechanisms to identify and monitor trends in the development of education indicators by region provides an opportunity to assess the university’s contribution to the development of the region and to develop assessment tools and models predict the effects of national research universities on the innovative development of the regions.

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