Transformation of the Classical University in the National Research University: a Regional Perspective
In modern conditions of the economy one of the most promising ways of increasing the efficiency of the economic system is the creation of innovative socio-economic structures. Institutional forms of the organization of such structures are national research universities. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the process of transforming traditional universities in national research universities. This is, firstly, a consequence of disequilibrium and instability of the modern world, and secondly, the result of constant change and chaos in the natural, social, economic and other systems, and thirdly, the orientation of the new economy on knowledge and innovation. The paper investigates the change of roles of universities: from traditional (educational and scientific activities) to the new (commercialization of research results), as well as the changing role of universities in economic development. Discussion of results. On the example of the restructuring of the regional university to a national research university revealed the fundamental position of the regional university in the community, making it a key element in the future of innovation, creating new jobs, sustainable development and economic growth of the region as a whole.
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