Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

искусственный интеллект

Problems of recognition and protection of copyright when using works created by means of artificial intelligence

Introduction. Advanced artificial intelligence technology (hereinafter referred to as AI) is being actively introduced around the world, which also poses legal problems for the copyright institution. An urgent task of copyright law is the need to develop positions on the recognition of copyright in works created with the help of AI, and their protection for further use. Theoretical analysis. In the international and Russian law, there are problems in determining the legal status of AI as an object, subject, or quasi-subject of law.

Methods for diagnostics and forecasting SMEs creditworthiness using artificial intelligence

Introduction. The impact of multidirectional external macroeconomic and regional factors of the economic environment in conditions of uncertainty and increased risks causes significant difficulties in diagnosing, assessing and forecasting the creditworthiness of financial and credit support recipients and borrowers (micro, small and medium-sized enterprises) in the Russian Federation. Theoretical analysis.

Диагностика и прогнозирование кредитоспособности субъектов МСП с применением искусственного интеллекта

Воздействие разнонаправленных внешних макроэкономических и региональных факторов экономической бизнес-среды в условиях неопределенности и повышенных рисков обуславливает значительные сложности диагностики, оценки и прогнозирования кредитоспособности получателей финансово-кредитной поддержки и заёмщиков - субъектов малого и среднего предпринимательства в Российской Федерации. Теоретический анализ.

Artificial intelligence technologies: Classification, limitations, prospects and threats

Introduction. Solving the problems of increasing labor productivity, creating transparency of key business processes, and creating new production facilities require not only new production technologies, but the organization of information processes, such as collection, storage, processing, analysis, and issuing responses to requests for information accompanying production processes. One of the most promising tools for solving these problems is AI technologies. Theoretical analysis.

The role of artificial intelligence in the development of ecosystems in the Russian economy

Introduction. The article deals with the problems of ecosystems formation and development as new forms of organizational and economic relations in the Russian economy. Artificial intelligence and neural networks are studied as elements of the modern economic ecosystems construction. Theoretical analysis. The classification of ecosystem services and platforms is presented, the ways of their formation using artificial intelligence are investigated.

Information systems as a tool for regulating public relations: Analysis of Russian and world practice

Introduction. The practice of public administration in the Russian Federation is largely based on the implementation and use of public information systems in all areas. Such information systems become a tool for influencing public relations, firstly, acting as a continuation of legal norms, secondly, replacing the actual norms of law in rare individual cases and, finally, acting as a means of certifying and qualifying legal facts. Theoretical analysis.

Innovations of the Russian financial sector of the economy

Introduction. The digital changes taking place in all spheres of society are most evident in certain sectors, especially in the fi nancial sector. One of the factors of the modern development of a sustainable economy is the digitalization of society associated with the rapid development of information technologies. Informatization of this sector in Russia is associated with the synthesis of legal, economic, social, political changes. Theoretical analysis.The article is devoted to the key trends of informatization of the fi nancial sector of Russia.

Prospects and problems of using machine-readable law in legal proceedings

Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the potential application of machine-readable law technologies in the field of judicial protection of human rights. In the course of the research, the authors analyzed the Concept of development of machine-readable law technologies, approved by the Governmental Commission on Digital Development and the Use of Information Technologies for Improving the Quality of Life and the Business Environment.

The role of artificial intelligence in the development of ecosystems in the Russian economy

Introduction. The article deals with the problems of ecosystems formation and development as new forms of organizational and economic relations in the Russian economy. Artificial intelligence and neural networks are studied as elements of the modern economic ecosystems construction. Theoretical analysis. The classification of ecosystem services and platforms is presented, the ways of their formation using artificial intelligence are investigated.