For citation:
Manakhova I. V., Zemskova I. А. Influence of Consumers on Improving the Quality of Electronic State Services. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 4, pp. 394-400. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2018-18-4-394-400
Influence of Consumers on Improving the Quality of Electronic State Services
Introduction. The article examines the process of migration of public services to the Internet space, taking into account the development of new information and communication technologies. Theoretical analysis. The process of interaction between users of a single portal of public services with government agencies providing these services has been studied. The analysis of the influence of consumers on the transfer of public services to the electronic form with the purpose of improving their quality is analyzed, the main directions of such influence are identified, the influence of digitalization of the process of rendering public services on behavioral patterns of consumers is investigated. It is emphasized that in modern innovative conditions of the development of civil society, only a personal approach and emotional investment in the consumer can become a competitive advantage and a rational response to price dumping in the public service of the future. Empirical analysis. The dynamics of registration of citizens in a single system of identification and authentication is considered. The trends of consumer influence on the process of rendering public services are indicated. The main provisions are confirmed that migration of the processes of rendering state and municipal services to the digital space also influences the behavior patterns of consumers. Results. The conclusion is made that in modern conditions of public administration a person becomes the main reference point and the entire process of rendering public services is aimed at satisfying his/her needs.
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