Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Economics. Management. Law

ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

For citation:

Bontsevitch N. N. Henry R. Luce’s Political and Law Views. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2009, vol. 9, iss. 1, pp. 83-85.

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Henry R. Luce’s Political and Law Views

Bontsevitch Natalya Nikolaevna, Saratov State University

In the present paper the author explores Henry Robinson Luce’s views on law and politics. Henry Robinson Luce is the prominent figure in the middle century American media industry, whose influence on the process of public opinion making was great. As the basic source for the paper writing were used H.R.Luce’s public speeches and publicist papers.

  1. Reverse Mr. Justice Holmes // Jessup J.K. The Ideas of Henry Luce. N.Y., 1969. P. 154.
  2. См.: Мальков В.Л. Американская мечта как символ веры и внешнеполитическая стратагема. Протоистория «империи по приглашению» // Американский Ежегодник, 1999. М., 2001. С. 127.
  3. National Purpose and Cold War // Jessup J.K. Op. cit. P. 131–132.
  4. Our Purpose is Freedom // Jessup J. K. Op. cit. P. 123.
  5. См.: Мальков В.Л. Указ. соч. С. 130.
  6. Reverse Mr. Justice Holmes // Jessup J. K. Op. cit. 154– 158.
  7. Jessup J.K. Op. cit. P. 89.
  8. http://www.patriotica.ru/enemy/kreitor_nmp.html
  9. Herzstein R.E. Henry R. Luce. A Political Portrait of the Man who Created the American Century. N.Y., 1994. P. 117–120.
  10. The Great Liberal Tradition // Jessup J.K. Op. cit. P. 127.
  11. Jessup J.K. Op. cit. P. 124.
  12. Ibid. P. 128.
  13. Ibid. P. 15.
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