Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Symbols of judicial power and rituals of justice: Their prospects in the context of digitalization

Introduction. Digitalization, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has significantly influenced the development of public power and law, triggering the transformation of many state-legal institutions, processes, and legal relations. The judicial system was no exception: it was one of the first to begin to modernize when, in the realities of covid lockdown, the administration of justice switched to a remote format. Problem statement.

Equality Before Court: its Realization for the Jury

The principle of everybody’s equality before the jury may be regarded ambiguously, namely, equal access to the jury court and equal rights of all the jurors at trial. Everybody’s equality at the formation and operation of a jury is closely connected with everybody’s right to participate in government, including administering justice. However, there are some legal restrictions of this right which are considered in the paper.

The Problems of Practical Implementation of the Constitutional Right to Equality in Contemporary Russian Realities

The State guarantees the equality of rights and freedoms. Any restrictions of the rights of citizens on social, racial, ethnic, linguistic or religious affiliation.

Henry R. Luce’s Political and Law Views

In the present paper the author explores Henry Robinson Luce’s views on law and politics. Henry Robinson Luce is the prominent figure in the middle century American media industry, whose influence on the process of public opinion making was great. As the basic source for the paper writing were used H.R.Luce’s public speeches and publicist papers.

National Features of Russian Idea of the Lawful State

In the article are analyzed national ideas of a lawful state in doctrines of pre-revolutionary Russian scientists – jurists. It is a question of necessity of historical continuity at creation of this social institute in modern Russia. Ideas which have not lost the importance are considered.

The Principles of Justice and Equality in the Area of Administrative Responsibility

Introduction. The article is devoted to the actual concern of determining the content not enough elaborated in the science of administrative law principles of justice and equality in the sphere of administrative responsibility. Purpose. To open the contents of the principles of justice and equality through the analysis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Administrative code of the Russian Federation and the resolutions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Results.

Category of «Value» in Constitutional Law of Russia

The article investigates the category values in constitutional law. The author examines the constitutional and legal content of such values as a person, his rights and freedoms, equality, justice. Enshrined in the Constitution and the realization of these values cause the development of Russia as a democratic, social state.

The Constitutional Principle of Equality before the Courts: Substantive and Procedural Aspects

The article considers the specificity of the Russian Federation Constitution enshrined the principle of equality before the courts in relation to the adversarial principle. The author substantiates the idea that this principle has two aspects, expressing its essence: the substantive and procedural. In the material sense, it represents a concretization of the constitutional principle of equality and is largely associated with the provision of formal or de jure equality.