Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Probation and problems of its implementation in the Russian Federation

Introduction. On February 6, 2023, the Federal Law “On Probation in the Russian Federation” 10-FZ was adopted. The law is aimed at the effective inclusion of persons subject to criminal penalties into a law-abiding society, as well as at reducing the level of recidivism in the country.

Henry R. Luce’s Political and Law Views

In the present paper the author explores Henry Robinson Luce’s views on law and politics. Henry Robinson Luce is the prominent figure in the middle century American media industry, whose influence on the process of public opinion making was great. As the basic source for the paper writing were used H.R.Luce’s public speeches and publicist papers.

Some Aspects of Political and Legal Representations about Power in XVIII–XX Сenturies

The paper deals with questions of the formation of political and legal representations about power, depending on what politico-legal school the representative of a considered doctrine belongs to. The work tries to estimate the degree of development of the politico-legal representations about power in the XVIII–XX centuries.

The child and the Constitution of Russia: Conversations about important issues

Introduction. The presumption of knowledge of the law and laws of the state assumes that every citizen knows the necessary amount of legal information sufficient to fulfill the basic obligation to comply with the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the study of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and basic laws is mandatory and should be integrated into educational programs at all levels.

Communication Space as Object of Legal Policy: Theoretical Problems of Spatial Approachformation

Introduction. The article deals with methodological aspects of research of communication space in the theory of legal policy, it also discusses the application of spatial approach for this purpose. Discussion of results. In our opinion, the theoretical model of communication space allows to take into account the patterns of communication dynamics, to identify the objectives and priorities of the societal transformations, to mitigate the digital divide and the future communication divides. Conclution.

The Political and Legal Basis of interaction of Business Ombudsman with Authorities and Other Organizations on Protection of Rights and Legal Interests of Subjects of Entrepreneurial Activity (based on performances at the III International Conference «Mo

Introduction. At the present stage of development of the institution of human rights and individual categories of citizens in the Russian Federation is particularly important legal analysis of the Commissioner’s powers to protect the rights of entrepreneurs on the federal and regional level in the Russian Federation. At the present stage, this institution is developing intensively. Implementation of office business ombudsman directly related to the problems of its interaction with various public authorities to protect the rights of business entities.

Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Freedoms in the Constitutions and Legislation of Foreign States

Introduction. The United Nations and the World Health Organization are completing the formation of an international system of sexual and reproductive rights and freedoms, carrying out the implementation provisions of this system into national law. The ongoing process obeys to a number of general rules, whose analysis is carried out in this article. Object. Universal patterns in the development of sexual and reproductive rights and freedoms, using as illustrations of this development the constitutions and the laws of India, Switzerland and Gabon.

Constitutional Law of Military Servicemen for Housing: Questions of Legal Regulation and Implementation

Introduction. Military personnel belongs to the category of citizens to whom granting premises by the state is guaranteed. Guarantees of the housing rights of the military personnel are caused by their special status.In this article, the author focuses on the special status of servicemen and the realization of their right to housing. Discussion. Special legal status of the military personnel means legislative restriction of some of their rights and freedoms and also granting additional measures of social support.

Antimonopoly Compliance in Russia

Introduction. The article deals with topical issues of universal introduction of antimonopoly compliance as one of the ways of law enforcement and law and order in the country. The author of the research relies on the analysis of various normative legal acts in the field of antimonopoly regulation and development of competition.

The Legal State as a Problem of Professional Consciousness of Lawyers

Introduction. There is no sufficient difference in comprehension of the law-governed state in legal literature and research. Focusing on the existing theories of the law-governed state, modern authors of scientific publications and manuals compose lists of features of the “true law-governed state”, “welfare state” as well as their antipode – “police ridden state”. Theoretical analysis. The phenomenon of the law-governed state is existing in the normative ideological, institutional and functional dimensions.
