Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Antimonopoly Compliance in Russia

Introduction. The article deals with topical issues of universal introduction of antimonopoly compliance as one of the ways of law enforcement and law and order in the country. The author of the research relies on the analysis of various normative legal acts in the field of antimonopoly regulation and development of competition.

The Legal State as a Problem of Professional Consciousness of Lawyers

Introduction. There is no sufficient difference in comprehension of the law-governed state in legal literature and research. Focusing on the existing theories of the law-governed state, modern authors of scientific publications and manuals compose lists of features of the “true law-governed state”, “welfare state” as well as their antipode – “police ridden state”. Theoretical analysis. The phenomenon of the law-governed state is existing in the normative ideological, institutional and functional dimensions.

Conceptual foundations of the Western communicative theory of law: Nicholas Luhmann

Introduction. The article deals with the theory of law by Nicholas Luhmann as one of the most important conceptual and methodological sources of Western communicative theories of law developed in the context of post-metaphysical thinking in social theory. Theoretical analysis. In the social system of Luhmann, communication communicates, so the concept of Luhmann belongs to the number of non-subjective ones. The legal system in this concept is formed by the diff erentiation of communications, thanks to which a legal co de arises.

Development of Some Aspects of Political and Legal Conceptions of Power in Europe

The article focuses on the concept of power in various doctrines of European countries and its functioning within the doctrines before the concept of institution of state based on the rule of law emerged.

Institutional Maintenance of Strategic Planning of Territorial Development in Russia

Now interests of realization of a system territorial policy only in small degree are reflected in the current legislation. However, considering that the majority of territorial programs has a strongly pronounced regional orientation, follows more accurately oriented the legislation on the decision of priority, strategic problems of territorial management.

Legal State and State Compulsion

The article analyzes the problems of state compulsion in a legal state as the primary method of control. The author, using the historical method, demonstrates the practical application of compulsion in the Russian state. Indicated that, in the modern state compulsory measures can be used in several guises. In particular, as a means of overcoming social conflict and the fight against terrorism. There are several arguments justifying the need for compulsion in the modern legal state.

The child and the Constitution of Russia: Conversations about important issues

Introduction. The presumption of knowledge of the law and laws of the state assumes that every citizen knows the necessary amount of legal information sufficient to fulfill the basic obligation to comply with the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the study of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and basic laws is mandatory and should be integrated into educational programs at all levels.
