For citation:
Stalmakhov А. V., Fedorenko V. A. Problems of Ensuring Compliance of Technical Characteristics of Civil and Office Firearms to Criminalistic Requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 186-191. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2016-16-2-186-191
Problems of Ensuring Compliance of Technical Characteristics of Civil and Office Firearms to Criminalistic Requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Introduction. Problematic issues of providing the criminalistic requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia imposed to firearms are considered in work. A sometimes weapons does not provide formation on the shot bullets and cartridge cases of the traces suitable for identification. Absence of any standards or specifications on a roughness of a relief of surfaces of the details forming traces is to it the reason. In addition, arms manufacturers poorly represent modern methods and technical means of identification of the weapon. Experimental part. In work the reasons of formation of traces on the shot bullets and shot cartridge cases not suitable for identification of the weapon are analyzed. Cases where the identification of the weapons on the striker traces is impossible due to the design of shells hunting cartridges are shown in the article. The negative influence of the production of primers traces at identifying of weapons on firing pin traces is quickly studied. Conclusion. Forensic requirements for identification of the weapon can be most effectively provided at close scientific and technical cooperation of the arms manufacturers and scientists specializing in area of judicial identification of the weapon.
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