For citation:
Slavnetskova L. V. Principles of Innovation System Eurasec Mesoscale. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 279-285. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2014-14-2-1-279-285
Principles of Innovation System Eurasec Mesoscale
Introduction. In modern conditions, the achievements of science and technology determine the dynamics of economic growth of competitiveness in the global community, the extent of their national security and equitable integration into the world economy. To implement the tasks of ensuring the technological modernization of the economy, the creation of conditions for the integration of scientific, technological and production potential of the Commonwealth on the basis of the formation of a common economic space, the technological modernization of the real economy, the development of innovative entrepreneurship directed formation of the Eurasian innovation system. Theoretical analysis. This article discusses the basic principles of the development of the innovation system EurAsEC. Among which are system-wide and systemically. Shown that, following consideration of the principles, innovative system EurAsEC mesoscale can become an effective tool for the development and implementation of innovative policies to promote the harmonization of legislation of EurAsEC member states, the economy on an innovative way of development of an effective infrastructure oriented to stimulate innovative entrepreneurship. Discussion of results. By the development of the innovation system EurAsEC meso level identifies the main principles that make it the main link in the formation of the Eurasian innovation system conducive to the sustainable development of both the region and the country as a whole, as well as contribute to the formation of a single innovation space of EurAsEC member states.
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