Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Economics. Management. Law

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For citation:

Eresko P. V. Legal problems of using the virtual space of the metaverse in the educational process of the university. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 4, pp. 471-477. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2023-23-4-471-477, EDN: XQEWYS

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Legal problems of using the virtual space of the metaverse in the educational process of the university

Eresko Polina Vladimirovna, Saratov State Law Academy

Introduction. On the one hand, traditional forms, methods and means of teaching are used in the educational process of a university, on the other hand, education cannot be static, it must meet modern requirements and challenges. Artificial intelligence technologies are rapidly developing in society, and their introduction into education will provide students with a modern, high-quality education. The Russian higher education system needs digital transformation; it requires the introduction of the latest learning technologies into the educational process to ensure competitiveness in the global education market. Theoretical analysis. To qualitatively improve the learning process at a university and train highly qualified personnel, it is necessary to use the latest teaching technologies, such as augmented and virtual reality. Virtual reality technologies in the form of virtual campuses and laboratories make it possible to organize the learning process in a highly motivated way for students, to achieve the effect of complete immersion in the processes and phenomena being studied. Currently, there is positive experience in using virtual space as an interactive teaching method when modeling practice-oriented cases. Еmpirical analysis. It was revealed that the problems of using the virtual space of the metaverse in the process of university education lie in the legal field. Legal problems of the metaverse include problems of cybersecurity, confidentiality of personal data, problems with automated data collection systems Big Data and others. One of the main problems is that of information security, the solution to which is the development of domestic software, local standards in the field of using virtual space technologies as part of the educational process of the university. Results. The author has proven the need to improve the current legislation of higher education in accordance with the specifics of the use of the virtual space of the metaverse by the educational process of the university; to develop local regulatory legal acts regulating the specifics of using metaverses when training a specific specialist.

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