Public Control in the Sphere of Formation and Functioning of the Executive Power Bodies in the Russian Federation
Introduction. Public control in a democratic state embraces the entire public administration system. One of the most important objects of such control is the activity of executive authorities. Theoretical analysis. The main trajectory of the development of public control in the sphere of executive power is relations associated with the formation and direct activity of executive bodies, as well as their officials. Empirical analysis. It was revealed that in the process of exercising public control in the sphere of the functioning of executive authorities, special forms of control are used, such as the assessment of the regulatory impact and the assessment of the actual impact, suggesting a public-state mechanism for its implementation. Results. Specific features of public control in the area of executive power are the following organizational and legal conditions for its implementation: the mechanism of public control in the sphere of activities of executive authorities based on the concept of “Open government”; implementation of most forms of public control through the use of the electronic communication environment of executive authorities and civil society institutions, including citizens; the use of a special form of control based on a combination of elements of state and public control – public and state control; citizens and public associations that can act as independent subjects of public control.
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