Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Economics. Management. Law

ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

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The institution of electronic appeals and its role in improving information and communication culture

Komkova Galina Nikolaevna, Saratov State University
Tumeneva Nataliya Vladimirovna, Saratov State University

Introduction. Currently, most of the public services are provided in a digital format, which triggers the activization of the “feedback” channel between authorities and organizations performing public functions and consumers of services. Functionally, this task can be solved with the help of the institution of electronic appeals. Theoretical analysis. It is noted that qualitative changes in the social setting in connection with the digitalization of the economy have led to a change in the relationship between the state and the individual. The management paradigm is built in accordance with the interests of the subject, i.e. the consumer of public services for the population, most of which are provided to the subject in the electronic form with their subsequent evaluation through the institution of electronic appeals. Empirical analysis. The authors analyze the legislation regulating the procedure for consideration of citizens’ appeals, including written ones, submitted electronically. The authors formulate the definition of the concept of “electronic appeals” and carry out the classification of electronic appeals. The researchers also characterize the legal regimes of filing and consideration of electronic appeals through the official websites of public bodies and organizations performing public functions, as well as through federal official (state) websites specially designed for citizens to submit appeals in the form of an electronic document. Results. In conclusion, the authors highlight the important role of the institution of electronic appeals in digital transformation and the increasing level of information and communication culture.

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