Legal Policy in the Sphere of Internet Medicine: Future Chalenges
Introduction. Intensive development of information technologies in medicine changes ways of diagnostics and treatment, a form of interaction of the doctor and the patient, organization of the treatment and recovery. Most closely these processes are connected with Internet medicine development therefore in article the legal policy in this sphere is analyzed. Methods. Internet medicine research as object of legal policy on ground of philosophical dialectic method of knowledge, general scientific group of formal and logical methods, system approach and the structurally functional analysis, and also special scientific methods of law – comparative and legal methods, allowing to consider Internet medicine as object of the right and legal policy. Results. Authors come to a conclusion that the sphere of Internet medicine needs carrying out the adequate legal policy directed on optimization of processes of integration of Internet medicine in system of electronic health care. The specification of doctrinal bases, legal fixing of basic bioethical principles as a basis of legal statuses of subjects of medical legal relationship in Internet medicine has to become the first step to its creation.
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