Сhange of Interaction «Organization – the Person» in the New Model Organizational Behavior
The changes in the external and internal environment of the organization, the emergence of new organizations, new management paradigms and knowledge of human behavior necessitates the development and practical implementation of new models of organizational behavior. In a dynamic external environment can be effective organizations applying new behaviors that have changed the nature of the interaction «organization – the person» and «organization – the environment». Theoretical analysis. Оn the basis of summarizing the existing theoretical studies on the economic behavior of the organization in the article defined the behavior of the organization in an uncertain market environment, revealed its contents, system factors, as is the new models of organizational behavior is the organizational culture. Discussion of results. Result of the conducted research is identification the characteristics of the interaction of «organization – the person» in the new models of organizational behavior, which involves not only and not so much the implementation of the physical abilities of workers, as the realization of their personal qualities, intelligence, creativity and mental strength. In the new models of behavior is formed organizational culture, people-oriented, the basic values which are egalitarianism and respect for the individual, mutual trust, team work, organization development through personal development that enables an organization to survive in the long term.
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