Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Economics. Management. Law

ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

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Article type: 
004: 332.1

Methodical and Technological Aspects of Application of Regional Management’s Innovative Tools for Management of Region’s Natural Resources Potential

Svetlichnaya D. А., Odessa National Polytechnic University

In the article conceptual model of regional management tasks solution based on the spatially-distributed data using functional and analytical capabilities of commercial GIS packages is developed, principles and methods of application of Geographic information system of natural resources potential (GIS of NRP) for tasks solution of management of region’s natural resources potential are justified. Methods. Considering the high proportion of spatially distributed data in information support of regional management, Geographic information systems provide the most appropriate tools for automated operation with such information, which are the integration environment that allows combining and systematizing streams of information about region’s social-ecological-economic system. Results. In modern conditions automated information-analytical system (IAS) is the basis of planning and management system of region’s social-ecological-economic system, IAS of natural resource potential should be an important part of such information system. The analysis of GIS of NRP capabilities reveals that they are not limited by evaluation of the value of natural-resource potential of the region. Structure disclosure of natural resource potential, revelation of regularities and factors of its spatial differentiation carried out on the basis of GIS of NRP offer great opportunities for it application for management of region’s natural resource potential in view spatial differentiation of its factors. Conceptual model of regional management tasks solution, as well as justifyed principles and methods of GIS of NRP’s application for tasks solution of management of region’s natural resources potential can be used for forming of an effective system of management of natural resources in the region that will allow to work out a behavior strategy of public authorities for environmental management and sustainable development of the region.

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