Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Economics. Management. Law

ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

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Theoretical Basis of Competitiveness at the Present Stage

Yaksanov Dmitriy Sergeevich, Saratov Social-Economic Institute of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Introduction. In modern economy is more urgent issues affecting the problem of raising the level of competitiveness of a modern enterprise. Cardinal increase of overall performance of the industrial enterprise and its effectiveness due to the detailed consideration of certain factors exerting influence on the process of formation of competitive advantages. This process management involves the accounting and business impact of all stakeholders. The subject of research is the concept of «competitiveness». Methods. The study was based on the deductive method by analysis of the various provisions and synthesis of different approaches to the concept of «competitiveness». Results. Consideration of various types of competitiveness levels and factors affecting its formation, justify the fact that such processes allow modern manager to increase the competitive potential of developing the advantages of an industrial enterprise. The paper details the notion of «competitiveness», examines the main component elements that make this economic category. Conclusion. The author indicated that a significant increase of efficiency of activity of the enterprise acts as the final result of the process of optimization of management of enterprise competitiveness. The desire of many leaders of the modern enterprises to achieve the planned level of competitive advantage among many similar enterprises is pushing them to introduce new approaches to organization of business processes, application of progressive methods of management and production, oriented to the continuous update of the manufactured products.

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