Organization and Legal and Methodological Problems of the All-Embracing Diagnostic Experts’ Examination of Firearms, Cartridges and Their Traces
Introduction. Today’s urge to improve the effectiveness of crime investigation increasingly requires attracting resources such as forms of expert research like ‘complex examination’ . In the theory of criminology and forensic formed certain scientific ideas into the nature of complex expertise , its characteristic features. However, not yet fully removed questions regarding the concepts and features comprehensive expertise, organization and methods of production , including complex diagnostic expert research guns, ammunition and traces of their actions. The purpose and objectives of the study. The aim of the study is to improve the institutional, legal and methodological support complex diagnostic expert research guns, ammunition and traces of their actions. To solve this goal should be to clarify the concept and features of the comprehensive examination, provide justification species complex diagnostic expert research guns, ammunition and traces of their actions reveal the characteristic features of their expert research methodology. Methods and results. The analysis of regulatory sources in the target area and production of the forensic literature and materials of modern practice of expert research guns, ammunition and traces of their actions. The study demonstrated that the symptoms of complex examination are; first – the fact of participation in the production of forensics experts of different specialties, and secondly, the participation of all members of the expert committee to discuss the results and formulate general conclusions. Based on the complex subject of diagnostic examination of weapons, ammunition and traces of action, the author identifies its following varieties: a forensic ballistic and forensic, ballistic and forensic examination of materials, substances and products (physical and chemical). Conclusion. The results obtained provide the conditions for the effective use of scientific knowledge about complex diagnostic expert studies guns, ammunition and traces of their actions in their practice of forensic experts, investigators, investigators and judges in the appointment, manufacturing expertise, evaluation expert conclusions involved in criminal proceedings
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