Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


The Category of «Interaction» in Economic Knowledge System

The article discusses the essence of the scientific category of «interaction», reviewing its major features and possible applications in the system of economic knowledge. The author arques that studying an economic system and the interactions therein reguires that the economic thinking be changed.

Synergistic effects of interaction between economic agents

Introduction. In economics, all processes and phenomena are constantly changing and interacting. There are new connections, interdependencies, as well as new interactions. Due to the changed structure of the economy, it is important to reveal the types of economic entities’ interactions (agents of the economy). They lead to a variety of synergistic effects. Analyzing these interactions and the resulting synergetic effects is an important task of the study. This is the relevance of the research topic. Theoretical analysis.


Любое явление экономики существует в определенных формах. Ученые, многие годы исследуя инфраструктуру, стремятся классифицировать различные ее формы, показать, как эти формы взаимодействуют друг с другом в реальной экономике, к каким последствиям приводит это взаимодействие. Но пока формы инфраструктур, формы

Interaction of the University, the Business and the State as a Factor of the Regional Development in the National Innovation System

Introduction. Today, improving the efficiency of both national and regional economy is seen in the active use of knowledge. Due to the fact that knowledge does not transform the economy, and hence, there is no guarantee that the investment in research and higher education will bring economic benefit, new mechanisms are needed to ensure that the relationship with the applied knowledge economy. The basis of such a mechanism could serve as interaction university, business and government on the principles of the triple helix model. Theoretical analysis.

The Political and Legal Basis of interaction of Business Ombudsman with Authorities and Other Organizations on Protection of Rights and Legal Interests of Subjects of Entrepreneurial Activity (based on performances at the III International Conference «Mo

Introduction. At the present stage of development of the institution of human rights and individual categories of citizens in the Russian Federation is particularly important legal analysis of the Commissioner’s powers to protect the rights of entrepreneurs on the federal and regional level in the Russian Federation. At the present stage, this institution is developing intensively. Implementation of office business ombudsman directly related to the problems of its interaction with various public authorities to protect the rights of business entities.

The Relationship and Interdependence of Convergence and Integration in the Economy

Introduction. The trend of globalization of the modern economy leads to the increasing relevance of convergence and integration, the relationship and interaction which do not cause doubts. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the integration and convergence as processes of interaction between homogeneous or heterogeneous elements of different economic systems, which are closely interwoven with each other. Discusses the question of the primacy of processes of integration and convergence.

Theoretical Basis of Research Infrastructure Forms in the Economy

In practice it is important to study the interaction of forms of infrastructure in the economy, since this interaction there are new features infrastructures themselves, their impact on the economy. The article examines the theoretical approaches to the study of the forms of existence of infrastructure in the economy. Theoretical analysis. Infrastructure as a concept of economic science is a set of economic practices, serving all kinds of economic relations and create conditions for normal life companies, state, household population.

System Approach Towards Development of Rule-of-Law State

The given article is an attempt to view the policy of development of rule-of-law state in Russia from the point of view of functional system. The author achieves the goal through analysis of various concepts within system approach.