Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


The National Economy Spatial Development Indication in the Coordinates System of Competitiveness, Sustainability and Security

Theoretical and methodological questions of creating the system of monitoring and updating the spatial heterogeneity of the national economy development are discussed in this article. The competitiveness indicator, sustainability and economic safety system is suggested on the basis of a new coordinates system for the national economy development.

Necessity of Bank Risks Monitoring and its Role for the National Economy Development

The article is devoted to the problems of the bank risks monitoring in conditions of the contemporary economic crisis. The author distinguishes the problem issues in the modern bank risks monitoring, she also explains the key direction in increasing its effectiveness. The article shows the necessity of working out and realization of the complex bank risks monitoring system. There is given the analysis of the role of bank risks monitoring in the work of commercial banks during 2008–2009.

Organization of Monitoring the Results of Intellectual Activity in High Schools

Introduction. The important role is given to the high school, which is characterized by accompaniment of innovative process and perfection of innovative infrastructures of different intellectual activity’s results. Theoretical analysis. One of the main participants in the creation of innovative infrastructure are universities. However, the lack of Office of Scientific Research and Development’s model, doesn’t allow Russian economy to reach the high rival level.

Development of Monitoring Tools of Quality of Education for the Third Age

Introduction. The development of educational programs for the third age allows increasing social activity of older people, improving their psycho-physiological condition, increasing physical activity, as well as the level of education for their integration into modern society. Considering that the contingent of students in the education centers of the third age has a rich experience of life, and age-specific changes in health status, it is important to organize a high level of quality of education, select teaching staff in order to im

Enterprise internal monitoring development as part of the bank lending strategy formation

Introduction. In solving the issue of ensuring the effective implementation of the company’s lending strategy for the purpose of its rational formation, the issues of internal monitoring of enterprises are of particular relevance. Theoretical analysis. The article deals with the theoretical aspects of developing algorithmized tools for the development of a system for monitoring the credit strategy of an enterprise is justified. Empirical analysis.