Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Law, information society, digital sovereignty

Introduction. The rapid development of digital technologies has led to significant changes in various spheres of public life. The species classification of the modern world is based on the fact that the era of the information society is coming. Its characteristics were defined in the Okinawa Charter of the Global Information Society. Empirical analysis. The author presents an overview of the strategies for innovative technological development adopted in the Russian Federation under the influence of the development of digital technologies.

The role of digitalization in regional economic and tourist space development: The Murmansk region experience

Introduction. The Murmansk region is the pearl of Arctic tourism, and its tourist and recreational potential is considered in the work. Theoretical analysis. During the theoretical analysis, it was found that a tourist multiplier operates in the economy of the Murmansk region, contributing to the development of the regional tourism industry. At the same time, the acceleration effect in the industry is observed due to the introduction of digital technologies. Empirical analysis.

Legal regulation of the integration of the EAEU digital space

Introduction. In the whole world, all countries are involved to varying degrees in the process of digital transformation of the national economy. There is a global trend towards the use of the processes based on digital solutions. In addition, there are significant opportunities for the emergence of integration processes. Digital integration has an impact on international cooperation. The economic integration of countries becomes impossible without the digitalization of economic systems, legal frameworks, and technologies.

Digital economy formation and development at the regional level

Introduction. Researchers around the world are in search of new sources and drivers of economic development and growth. In this regard, digital economy is becoming one of the main internal factors stimulating the economic activity of the country and its regions. Therefore, its emergence, development and measurement are becoming a priority at present. Theoretical analysis.

Mechanisms for managerial decision making during the digitalization of production processes for an industrial enterprise

Introduction. The relevance of studying the industrial enterprise digitalization processes and developing a methodology for implementing production process control systems is due to the fact that digital technologies introduced into the manufacturing sector are important drivers for improving production management processes, improving labor productivity indicators, reducing the labor intensity of manufacturing products, reducing the cost of products and increasing quality. Theoretical analysis.

Problems and directions of improving the industrial production digitalization

Introduction. Digitalization of the industrial sector in Russia is a priority task aimed at modernizing and optimizing production processes, improving the quality and competitiveness of products, as well as strengthening the country’s position in the world market, which makes it relevant to analyze the problems of introducing digital technologies into industrial production. Theoretical analysis.

Tourism digitalization paradox

Introduction. The article substantiates the relevance of domestic tourism development, examines the domestic tourist flow dynamics, and pays attention to the importance of mass tourism development for Russian economy. Theoretical analysis. Institutionalization and digitalization are fundamental elements of the mass domestic sustainable tourism development matrix. It is noted that a direct appeal to the tourist services producers by potential tourists through digital institutions becomes a condition for mass tourism restoration of in our country.

Influence of Consumers on Improving the Quality of Electronic State Services

Introduction. The article examines the process of migration of public services to the Internet space, taking into account the development of new information and communication technologies. Theoretical analysis. The process of interaction between users of a single portal of public services with government agencies providing these services has been studied.

Global Digital Space: Prospects and Threats to the Economic Development of Countries

Introduction. Currently, the world is creating a global digital space. This process covers, to a greater or lesser extent, virtually all countries of the world. The relevance and vitality of this process is proved by the digitalization of not only the economy, but also of all spheres of human activity. Despite the increasing degree of research of this process, there raises the question of finding the threats and prospects that should be expected from digitalization for the economic development of our country.

The Forms of Tourism Digitalization

Introduction. The article substantiates the relevance of tourism digitalization study. The motives of the tourist market subjects for the use of digital technologies are noted. It is indicated that digitalization is a new form of communication between producers and consumers of tourist services, which becomes a source of competitive advantages of tourist organizations.
