For citation:
Trubitsina E. A., Trubitsin A. R. India: Opportunities and Prospects for Foreign Economic Cooperation of the Russian Federation. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 1, pp. 5-10. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2017-17-1-5-10
India: Opportunities and Prospects for Foreign Economic Cooperation of the Russian Federation
Introduction. Analyzing the changes in foreign trade, as well as taking into account the global trends in the field of foreign trade, we can talk about the need to find new partners for the Russian economy, as well as the expansion of already established foreign economic relations. One of these partners for Russia could be India. However, there are a number of factors as obstacles to this process, as well as a positive influence on him. Theoretical analysis. The theoretical analysis is to examine the existing bilateral programs between Russia and India, public investment programs in India, reviews by independent international consulting companies and international statistics on Trade and Development. Results of the study. Results of the study of bilateral trade flows show that Russia is not sufficiently use the potential of the development of foreign economic cooperation with India. Despite the fact that there are a number of negative factors that determine the intensity of economic relations, there are positive factors that can be used by Russia with maximum efficiency. Based on the analysis of regional development India needs punctually determine the most favorable and promising regions for the establishment of business ties to domestic companies. Conclusions. The most effective methods of cooperation between Russia and India at the moment can become the direct investments and the development of joint ventures. India has a huge potential in the medium term sales and market situation is developing the most favorable way for the successful development of Russian business.
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