For citation:
Kasaeva T. G. Antimonopoly Compliance in Russia. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 436-441. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2019-19-4-436-441
Antimonopoly Compliance in Russia
Introduction. The article deals with topical issues of universal introduction of antimonopoly compliance as one of the ways of law enforcement and law and order in the country. The author of the research relies on the analysis of various normative legal acts in the field of antimonopoly regulation and development of competition. Theoretical analysis. The author claims that emergence of the problems in the field of competition on the Russian market was caused by the heritage of the Soviet command economy and subsequent stagnation of economic activity. The analysis of key problems in the field of antimonopoly regulation and development of competition is carried out within the search for the mechanism of improvement of this management sphere. This includes creation and organization of a system by federal organs of the executive authorities to ensure the compliance with requirements of the antitrust law. Empirical analysis. The article is aimed at logical and systematic description of pluses and minuses of antimonopoly compliance both from the point of view of theorists and practitioners of law, and in terms of balance of interests of business and authorities for the sake of prosperity of society. Results. In the developing conditions of national economy, antimonopoly compliance will gain value of one of the most effective mechanisms of realization of public policy in the field of providing law and order and legality. Coordination of actions of executive authorities of all levels, business and society within creation and organization of the system, that will ensure compliance with the requirements of antitrust law, will be a guarantee of the successful future of our country.
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