Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

уголовная ответственность

Administrative Liability for the Unfair Competition

The article deals with the specific features of imposing administrative liability for the unfair competition in the merchandise market. The author analyses the essence of the administrative breaches and their certain elements. Having examined the practice of the anti-monopoly bodies the author suggests possible ways of developing the current administrative – delinquent legislation.

Key Tasks and Activities of Military Justice in the Period of Martial Law in the Territory of Ukraine (1941–1942)

Given the current challenges and threats to national security, including armed conflicts near the borders of Ukraine, the study of the historical experience of the organization, regulation and activities of the military justice system with the onset of the special period of wartime became actual.

To the Question of Russian President’s Power of Clemency

The main topic of the article is President’s constitutional power in a sphere of person’s legal status, in particular clemency. Also the sphere of clemency is partly regulated by local laws. Federal and regional executive and legislative bodies like clemency comissions and Constitutional rights department of President’s Administration contribute to implementaion of President’s power of clemency. In the article the author formulates legislative improvements that will set up legal bounds of President’s power of clemency.